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"Jesus Christ," Yoongi muttered squinting his eyes a grimace on his face. He turned to Jimin seeing his stare at the screen with wide eyes. His hands gripping onto the roots of his recently dyed hair. The brunette hair sticking in different directions. His own freshly dyed grey hair probably wasn't much better from running his fingers through it throughout the video.

"I-I can't do that," Jimin whispered pure fear in his eyes as he watched the boy on the screen crying in pain as he pushed his own baby out.

"Yeah, you can. You're strong." Yoongi reassures. The grimace still not leaving his face.

"Ok I think I've seen enough," his voice was shaky as he slowly closed the laptop. He regretted ever looking up the video but he felt like he had to. In health class they had only ever shown a woman doing it so he thought he would do his own research before he had to do it himself but all he managed to do was scare himself. Seeing as he was doing it all-natural it only seemed fitting to watch a video were another man did the same. It only made his hands sweaty and heart rave quickly at the realization of just how much pain he would be in.

He took a shaky breath placing a hand on top of his belly. "You'll be okay," Yoongi tried to reassure placing his own hand beside the brunette's.

"I have to do that," the boy said with furrowed brows. He was thirty-six weeks meaning in approximately four weeks he would have to push out a small human out of him. How the fuck was he going to do that? What if she has a big head?

"Maybe we shouldn't have watched that," the grey-haired male mumbled.

"You know what?" Jimin sat up rubbing his belly. "You are just gonna have to stay in there forever," he spoke in a soft baby voice.

Yoongi threw his head back laughing. "Don't you want to meet her?"

"Well, yeah but it's going to hurt. I'm going to look and sound like," he paused opening the laptop again and pressing play on the man who seemed to be in the worst pain of his life. "That," he pointed at the screen.

"Yeah, but I'll only be for a little while."

"Easy for you to say. I'm the only one who has to go through all of that."

Yoongi sighed forwarding the video until seconds before the baby was delivered and pressed play. "But you're also going to be like that," he whispered watching at the man breathlessly took his crying baby in his arms cradling him. He was still crying but this time of joy. "It'll be worth it."

Jimin purses his lips. "You're right," he whispered. "I guess you can come out," he said looking down at his belly. He flinched at a strong kick. "Just not yet," he pushed gently below his ribs trying to get her to move her foot out of his ribs.

"I should get going," Yoongi sighed checking the time on his phone. The brunette checked his own phone gasping.

"Oh my god, you're going to be late! Hurry, don't forget to take videos and pictures for me!" He urged the boy watching him put his shoes on.

"I could just FaceTime you during the ceremony," he said grabbing his keys from the dresser. Today was Namjoon's graduation. Jimin had been a bit sad since he had always wanted to be there for the male but alas he would not be attending for obvious reasons. He had apologized rigorously. Of course, the male was fine with it, he wanted Jimin and his niece to be safe, but that didn't stop him from feeling sad. He was sure he wouldn't be missed. Namjoon would still have his parents, Yoongi, and even Jungkook there.

The brunette shook his head. "No, no it's fine just film it a-and give him a hug for me." Yoongi hummed in agreement leaning down to kiss Jimin's large belly causing the boy's heart to flutter.

"Okay, bye." The boy ruffled his hair before walking out of the house leaving Jimin all alone.

It was nothing new he was often alone when the boys were off at school. Something he was looking forward to after pregnancy was being able to go out with everyone again. Hell, he was excited about going back to school and he hated school.

He sighed standing from the bed stretching his limbs. He busied himself by organizing all the baby clothes he had in a basket on top of the changing table. He has been procrastinating organizing everything so he took an opportunity to do so.

It took less time than he expected. He looked at the clock seeing they probably wouldn't be home for a few hours seeing as they would likely take Namjoon to a nice restaurant to celebrate.

"Baby, please stop," Jimin said exasperated feeling his child move around. He grabbed onto the rail of the crib taking a deep breath. "You better love soccer just as much as me. If not you have no reason to be using my bladder as a soccer ball. Disrespectful ass," he grumbled as he waddled into the bathroom.

He spent the rest of the night laying in bed and talking to his daughter until the Min's returned. Yoongi and Namjoon bringing him a meal from the restaurant they had gone to. It was a peaceful night.

Unknowingly their last peaceful night for a while.

"You sure you'll be okay?" Yoongi asked with furrowed brows as he followed the pregnant teen around the room.

"Yes," Jimin grunted out annoyed from the repetitive question.

"But you'll be out in public which you said you didn't want to. And what if-"

The brunette placed a hand over the father-to-be's mouth. "I'll be two hours away on a college campus on the first day of summer vacation. I think I'll be fine. No one we know will be there." He uncovered his mouth turning to the bed to pull on the oversized hoodie. He was surely going to sweat but it made his belly stand out less. Or at least he thought so.

"But what if you go into labor or-"

"Chill," he gently patted the grey-haired male's cheek. "I need this. I haven't left this house in months. Plus I'll be with Jungkook if I feel like I'm going into labor I'll let him know but I won't have to because I have four weeks left. We'll be fine."

Yoongi gave him a worried look.

"I'll be fine!" He said louder this time. "Trust me I won't be having this baby today."

Our little secret // YoonminOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora