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Jimin's mother was far from happy when she got the call from the hospital. She was livid.

"You told me you went through with it! I spent money on you to get rid of it! Now you aren't even just knocked up but you can't even go to fucking school. Don't you see how this child is ruining your life? Not to mention how your father will react once he comes home from his business trip and we have to explain all of this to him!" She took a breath. "Why? Why would you let this baby ruin your life and family? You have the opportunity to get rid of it now. You can always have more babies in the future when you are ready and you aren't dependent on your father." She ranted pacing back and forth. Jimin was laying in bed the blanket pulled up to his chin. His back facing her. "Hello?! Are you listening to me?"

Jimin sat up turning to look at the woman with a furious glare. "Stop talking," he snapped.

"Jimin!" She gasped. "You do not talk to me like that. Who do you think you are-"

"Your son! That's who I am. That makes this your grandchild! The grandchild you are so keen on getting rid of."

"Because it will destroy our family!"

"This baby is my family! I want to keep it. I'm going to keep it. I don't care what you say!" He wanted to storm out, maybe walk to Jungkook's house since his mom took his car keys away, but he couldn't. He wasn't even supposed to stand for very long how the hell was he supposed to walk to anyone's house.

"You're losing it anyways it would be a lot less painful if you get rid it on your own," she snapped back.

She has never seen her son look so hurt. "How could you say that to me?" Jimin whispered. It's only been a few days since the hospital visit and since then Jimin's been taking the doctor's instructions very seriously. The only time he was up and walking was when he needed to use the bathroom.

Mrs.Park groaned putting her head in her hands. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "It's just your father-"

"Please get out," he cut her off. She sighed but followed her son's wishes.

Jimin laid back down. He covered his faces groaning. He hated this. He hated this situation but fuck he already loved this kid. Especially after hearing the little heartbeat. Now all he could do is picture what he or she would look like. He's thought of several names for each gender. This was odd since before being in this situation he thought maybe he'd never want a kid. And if he did he thought he'd be married to a woman who would be carrying their child. Funny how life doesn't go as planned.


He blindly reached over to his nightstand grabbing his phone.

Hard pass on that one

He pouted at the message. He had texted him a name he thought would be cute for a baby girl but it got rejected like many of his other suggestions. He knew it was very soon to pick a name but he just wanted to have it ready for when they were born. Maybe started calling him or her that from the moment they find out the gender.

The day at the ER Yoongi drove him home and walked him inside to make sure he was okay and comfortable. They had a moment to talk, and cry, so Jimin took it as an opportunity to apologize over and over for everything.

"I thought a lot about this," Yoongi sighed. "That's why I haven't called. I really wanted to process what was happening and everything that led up to this. And I'm mad." He paused. "I was mad. But I get why you did what you did. I need that time to understand and now I do." He places his hand on Jimin's belly. His thumb rubbing circles. "I forgive you. I won't forget but I will forgive you. I will be here to support our child and you." Yoongi gave him a soft smile. "I will be here for you no matter what happens."

Our little secret // YoonminOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora