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*Not edited. Its a mess I'm sorry. But like smut warning*

"Everything looks good," the woman mumbled. "The hematoma is resolving itself nicely. It's barely even there anymore," she said pointing at the spot on the ultrasound. In the three weeks Jimin has been in bed rest this was his second appointment. The first time appointment the hematoma was half the size it was when it was discovered now it is 1/3 of that size.

"So we don't have to worry about miscarrying?" Yoongi asked hopefully.

His mom smile. "No, I believe that is no longer a high risk. Baby seems to be developing properly, the heartbeat is strong."

"Oh thank god," Jimin whispered looking up at the ceiling. He looked back down staring at the screen where it showed their little baby moving around adding more joy to his heart. He couldn't feel the movement yet but according to Mrs.Min that was normal and he should be able to in a few weeks.

"I'm going to take you off bed rest but I still want you to take it easy. So no extreme exercising and no sports right now." She said as she switched off the machine and handing the pregnant blonde some tissues. "Any questions?"

"When can we find out the gender?" Yoong asked.

"Well, he's 14 weeks so most likely your next appointment," she answered. Mrs.Min turned to look at Jimin. His cheeks dusted with pink and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. "You can ask anything. I won't judge."

He stayed silent for a moment contemplating if he really wanted to voice his question. "I know you said no exercise but," he cleared his throat glancing over at Yoongi. His cheeks turning brighter than they were meer seconds ago. He glanced back down at his hands picking at his cuticles. "What about sex? Is that-um, is that still off the table? And if I can't can I at least do it myself?"

Yoongi's eyes widened. His own cheeks set ablaze as he avoided all eye contact with his mother.

Mrs.Min didn't look fazed by the question. "No penetration. Oral sex is fine. If you did want to have penetrative sex you wouldn't be the one being penetrated I would recommend for you to be laying on your back while your partner does most of the work." she looked over at her son raising a brow at how awkward he looked. It wasn't like she wasn't aware he was having sex. "It's normal for your sex drive to be high right now. Many people experience it at this stage of pregnancy. If you start bleeding again just give me a call but you should be fine."


"Did you really have to ask that?" Yoongi questioned completely mortified. His face still scarlet as he stared straight ahead onto the road.

Jimin stares down at his lap. "I had to know. Did it embarrass you that much?"

"Of course it did! My mom had to tell us I have to ride you." Yoongi tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

The blonde purses his lips. "Well, I had to. You heard her it's normal my sex drive is high and she didn't say you specifically. She said my partner so whoever I decide I want to have sex with."

"Whoever you decide- you want to have sex with someone else?" His brows were furrowed and lips turned down.

"No! I didn't say that I just-" he groaned running his fingers through his hair. "For the past week, the only thing on my mind is an orgasm. No, I don't plan to have sex with someone but I had to know if I could at least get myself off. So unless you're going to help me out this conversation is over." He crossed his arms over his chest a scolding look on his face as he slouched in his seat. It kind of reminds Yoongi of an angry child.

The brunette sighs making a turn. "You were supposed to go straight," Jimin pointed out in a grumbling tone.

"We're not going to the hotel," the driver responded. "We're going to my house."

Our little secret // YoonminOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora