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Jimin sat staring up at the ceiling. He had ice that he had wrapped in a hand towel pressed against the side of his mouth. He had woke up with a bruise from where his father had hit him.

Last night was rough, to say the least. He woke up several times to hear his mother sobbing into her pillow. There was a moment where he had tried to cuddle up against her, to give her some comfort, only for her to shove him away. He stayed on his side for the rest of the night.

His dad wasn't the greatest man but his mother loved him and it was his fault she left him. He was shocked she even stood up for him after constantly telling him to get rid of the baby. He knew the reason why she was so keen on it was this exact predicament.

"I'm leaving. I agreed to cover my coworker's shift," she muttered. She didn't spare him a glance nor did she wait for a response as she left the hotel room. He knew she was angry with him but she had to understand. She left her husband to protect her child surely she'd come to understand that that was exactly what Jimin was doing for his own baby.

"Really?" He whispered to himself when his attempt to log into his Netflix account. The password had been changed no doubt his dad had done it. He knew this was only the beginning. It was a matter of time before his phone was disconnected and anything else he owned at his father payed for. He huffs grabbing his phone and decided to just scroll through social media.

All his friends and classmates were posting about parties and just social activities they were all apart of. Meanwhile, he was stuck in a hotel. Did he wish to be like them? A part of him did. He didn't like partying much but he had to admit it was fun at times and there were moments he felt free while he partied and drank with his peers. Not to mention he was a pretty liked guy. He had many friends, well more like aquatints, and he had a picking of girls he could have whenever he wanted. Now he couldn't even have sex at the moment and even if he could he didn't feel comfortable doing so with anyone, other than maybe Yoongi, knowing he was expecting. Not to mention he won't be able to play soccer for a while. He certainly wouldn't have the time to join the school team next year since the baby would be here by then. That's probably the part that saddened him the most. He loved the sport and he loved being apart of the team, even if he hated some of his teammates.

It sucked but another part of him was okay with not being like them because he knew in a few months he'll have his baby in his arms. It felt strange to be waiting for this little human to arrive and not completely hate the idea. Of course, he was still afraid and he wasn't sure what life would be like once he or she arrived but after hearing it's little heartbeat he also felt a bit excited.

A loud knock broke away his attention. He locked his phone getting up slightly stretching he turned to look in the mirror pursing his lips seeing the bruise. He debated covering it up but opted not to before walking over and opening the door.

"Hey," Yoongi smiled at him handing him a folder filled with his work. "Thanks. Uh, you can come in if you want." Jimin opened the door wide for the boy.

"What happened to your face? Are you okay?" He asked once they were both seated in the bed. He tried to reach over to touch his face but when Jimin dodged his touch decided to just greet his baby.

"My dad. I'm fine," he whispered staring at Yoongi practice admire his belly. His hand rubbing circles into Jimin's belly.

The brunette shook his head. "You sure? I mean last night couldn't have been easy."

"It wasn't but I'm not about to cry about it." The blonde shrugged leaning back in his hands.

"You could cry if you want to. I can't-"

"Yoongi, shut up. I don't want to cry nor do I want to keep talking about it," he snapped.

The brunette raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. But before we got off the topic I told my parents, you know, about you guys staying here and if you guys want we have a guest room you guys can stay in. It can't be cheap to live in a hotel for longer than a few days." That part was true. Jimin's mom worked at a warehouse that boxed up shoes it definitely didn't pay much. He wasn't sure they could pay to stay at the hotel for long.

"Thanks. I'll talk to my mom about it." He messed around with his fingers, pickings at his cuticles. "How'd Namjoon react to, um, the baby?"

There was a long silence before the boy finally said, "I haven't told him yet."

"You're offering me a room in your house and you haven't even told your brother?" Jimin scoffed covering his face. "Great," he mumbled.

"Don't put that all on me. You're his best friend you could have told him." Yoongi sighed leaning on the headboard. Best friend. The words made him feel guilt not only due to the fact that he hasn't spent almost any time with the teen but also because when he had spent time with him he would sneak away to have sex with his little brother. He was a terrible friend. "We should tell him together," Yoongi suggested.

Jimin wasn't sure how that conversation would go but he knew there was no way Namjoon would be happy in anyway.

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