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Jimin paces around the living room when he finally heard the front door unlock. He rushed to the door to greet Yoongi. "Hi," he said waiting for him to shut the door to give him a kiss before grabbing the car seat out of his hand so that he could greet his daughter.

"Hello, my sunshine. How was your day?" He asked unbuckling her from the car seat and picking up the wide awake infant. She babbled at her papa as he stared at her attentively listening to random gibberish. She was becoming more 'talkative' as the days go on.

"Oh wow sounds interesting," he mumbled taking a seat on the couch, Yoongi beside him. "You know I missed you today," he said running the side of his finger against the bridge of her nose. He bent his knees laying her against his legs so that she was in somewhat of a sitting position. He gave her a wide smile getting one return. "Look at that smile," he gushed "Oh my goodness it's so pretty." She had given them her first real smile only a few days ago and to say Jimin had almost cried was an understatement.

"The ladies at the daycare loved her," Yoongi commented reaching over gently pinching the baby's chubby cheek.

"I mean look at her. Who wouldn't?" Jimin commented looking over at the boy. He smiled puckering his lips in a request for a kiss. The blonde granted the said request. "How was your day?" He asked pulling away and kissing the brunette's cheek.

Jimin hummed watching in amusement how amazed Naomi was by her own hand. "It was okay. A lot of people asked where I disappeared to. How was yours?" Yoongi hummed not bothering to mention he had seen him with Wheein.

"It was good. Nothing major happened," he lied.

"That's good," he said looking down over at his baby when she began to babble loudly. "Okay, Mimi agrees that it's good."

Yoongi smiled at his daughter. "Why aren't you the happiest little baby?" He commented. She continued to coo at her parents and her parents keeping the conversation going as if she understood.

"Can we order dinner tonight?" Yoongi asked. Namjoon usually made dinner for all of them but he moved to live in the dorms at his school leaving the family of three on their own, with the exception of the nights when Yoongi's parents had a day off.

"I'm on a diet," Jimin reminded.

The blonde leaned his head on the boy's shoulder. "You don't need to lose weight. I like your body now." He kissed the boy's neck.

The brunette only rolled his eyes. "I used to have abs. You're telling me you don't miss that?"

"I don't. You look good with or without abs," he confirms.

"Well, I'm not doing this for you I'm doing it for me. I miss how my body used to look," played with Mimi's hands. "I mean it's never going to be the same again. My hips are bigger now and I have stretch marks."

"Yeah but look it's not a bad thing. I mean look at this little one," he pinched Naomi's cheek. "She's the reward for all that." Jimin smiles softly at the baby.

"Sushi? That's healthy," Yoongi asked scrolling through his phone.

"Okay sure," the brunette agreed. He pulled the baby a little closer supporting her little head as he leaned her close to give her kisses. "You are probably hungry, darling," he mumbled. "I'll make her a bottle and you order the sushi. Get me a California roll."

Yoongi watched him walk away before grabbing his phone to use one of the thousands of delivery apps to order the food. When he was done he tossed the phone beside him on the couch and leaning forward to grab the remote control to turn on the tv. As he grabbed it he spotted Jimin's phone not too far away. He contemplated for a little before grabbing it when he saw the screen light up.

Hey! I'm having a party next Friday to celebrity our senior year. I'd love it if you came. And who knows maybe I'll make you forget about your girlfriend 😏

Yoongi glared at the message. This bitch. He quickly placed it back when he found it when he heard Jimin's footsteps returning. "Okay so I may or may not have cracked one of the glass bottles," the brunette mutters as he came out with his daughter happily eating. He seated himself beside the boy grabbing his phone in the process.

"How'd you do that?" He asked watching as the boy looked at the message on the screen.

"I-uh it slipped out of my hand and it fell in the sink. It didn't break completely but it was cracked. I threw it away though," he mumbled as he typed away at his phone.

"Who are you texting?" He asked as if he didn't already know.

Jimin stayed silent quickly locking his phone when Yoongi tried to peek at it. "Just Johnny wondering if I wanted to go to a party next Friday."

The blonde pursed his lips. "Oh? Are you going to?"

The brunette raised before glancing down at his daughter who was three-quarters of the way done with her bottle. "Don't think I can."

"I mean if you really want to I don't mind watching her on my own," he mumbled secretly hoping the boy would say no.

"Really?" He asked. He looked hopeful.

Yoongi nodded. "Sure." Jimin pressed light kisses on his cheek repeatedly mumbling small thank you's in between. It's been months since he had fun with his peers and as much as he loved his daughter he felt the need to escape parenthood for just a few hours, to be a normal teen.

"You're amazing you know that?" he whispered to his baby daddy.

Yoongi only rolled his eyes. "I'm well aware."

Jimin places his hand on his boyfriend's inner thigh. "Want me to show you how amazing you are tonight?"

The blonde glared at him shoving his hand away. "We said we would take it slow." He reminded. The brunette only rolled his eyes.

"It's been a month and the most we've done is kiss," the boy complained. He was a teenager with needs that haven't been satisfied in months.

"Exactly it's been only a month, chill," the boy mumbled standing when he heard the door bell indicating their food had arrived.

"Fine but I'm using your room for a little tonight!" He called out.


Just a filler.

I'm not going to lie to you all I'm starting to hate writing this story. I'm not sure why but I've lost motivation. I don't want to discontinue it because it's not fair to you and I've come this far with it I might as well finish yet I can't seem to come up with a way to end it soon while not making it seemed rushed. This is not me saying I'm ending the story I just wanted to vocalize the struggle I've experienced. If updates become slower than usual that is why.

My issue isn't with writing. I've come up with another idea for a story I want to publish after this one, I'm actually kind of excited to maybe start writing it soon, so I don't understand what's going on. Would you guys be angry is I decide to take a small break? It won't be a super long one maybe a few weeks. Maximum a month.

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