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He should've known. He truly should have known.

Why did he ever trust someone like Jimin? He was a stereotypical high school fuckboy. He only cares about sex. Hell, he probably saw Yoongi as more of a sex toy than a person. There was not even an ounce of him that cared about him seeing as he just threw him under the bus. Leaving him to deal with the most homophobic people that probably walked on earth to get the beating of a lifetime.

He was surprised he was even conscious by the time they were done with him. His entire body was sore and he wasn't very sure how he managed to get home all by himself.

When he finally got to look at himself in the mirror he saw his face clean with no visible contusion but the horror was when he lifted his shirt over his head. He felt sore all over.

His torso was painted in a crimson shade of red that he knew would turn to be deep shades of blue and purple within the next day or two. He took a shaky breath pressing his hand against the reddened skin. He winced a loud whimper leaving his mouth.

"Fuck," he whispered pulling down pants and underwear revealing the quickly bruising skin.

The teen swallows the lump in his throat tearing his eyes away from all the damage done to his body. He took deep breathes as he limped his way into the shower, flinching when he turned on the faucet and cold water fell from the showerhead. He adjusted the temperature until the water was nearly boiling.

He stood there for around an hour staring blankly at the wall. He stood there till the water turned ice cold and his skin was pruned. It was only then that he stepped out and numbly got dressed.

"Are you a complete dumbass?!" The words greeted him as he stepped into his room. His stepbrother stood before him. Cheeks sucked in and an angry pout on his lips. "You kissed my friend! One of my best friends!!"

Yoongi stares blankly at the raven hair.

"Say something! Why the fuck would you think it was okay to kiss Jimin!" Namjoon shouts as he pushes the male back missing the look of discomfort that passes through his brother's face. "He's straight! We've known him for years, now you do this?!"

Yoongi shook his head in disbelief. "I just brutally got my ass kicked by your friends and you have the audacity to be mad at me?" he limps past the fuming boy to finally get under his covers where he planned to reside for the rest of his life.

"You deserved it!" the boy snapped pulling the blanket off of Yoongi. "Y-You can't do shit like that! What were you thinking, forcing yourself on another guy!"

"Stop yelling." His voice was calm as he pulled back the blanket covering himself again.

Namjoon scoffs. "Do you have any idea what you've done? These guys will never leave you alone now." Yoongi shrugged turning on his side so that he wasn't facing his brother.

He wanted to blurt out the truth. Tell Namjoon and everyone that he didn't 'force' Jimin to kiss him. He wanted everyone to know that Jimin did it willingly and that they have done way more than just a simple kiss. But he wouldn't. No one should be outed without their consent just because Jimin did it to Yoongi wouldn't mean that he would stoop down to the blondes level.

"Just leave." He whispered.

Everyone knew. He couldn't walk down the hallway without getting dirty stares, nasty names were thrown his way.

He kept his head down trying to blend in as much as he possibly could. No one talked to him, not that they talked to him much before but now it wasn't that he was cast into the shadow where he was forgotten. No, he was pushed into the spotlight where everyone stared at him from afar to observe him like some sort of undiscovered specimen.

"I hate people," Taehyung mumbled as he sees the eyes from all directions focused on their lunch table. "What the fuck are we? The circus?"

Yoongi shrugged. His eyes occasionally glancing over at the soccer team's table. It angered him. They all sat around laughing. Half of them had beaten him by now yet they sat around happy as if they weren't tormenting and creating traumas that will take years for some people to get over. And all for what? Their amusement?

What angered him more was to see his own brother still hanging out with them. He thought they were closer than that. He thought Namjoon would distance himself at least out of respect for his relationship with him. But instead, he's talking calmly to the teen that caused the entire population of the town to turn on him.

"Can we just drop out and run away?" he mumbled stabbing a tomato from his salad.

"We can move to California and become strippers," Taehyung added.

"Sounds like a plan." Yoongi sighed glancing over at the table again. His eyes meeting Jimin's. He glared at him but the boy looked almost sad.

"Don't even look at him. He's an asshole."

"I know," Yoongi whispered looking over at the blue haired male. He mentally promised himself to forget all about him and never bother to even spare him a glance ever again.

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