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Things were a bit tense between the parents. Yoongi had gone back to sleeping in his own room and the two ended up alternating who kept the baby in their room at night.

Was Yoongi sad about? Absolutely but he was sticking to his statement. He wasn't a secret. He wanted to be with someone who was willing to be with him publicly. Of course, Jimin has the right to come out when he was ready. Coming out was someone's personal choice, something Yoongi wishes he had decided to do on his own but didn't get the chance. That being said it didn't mean someone had to put up with it. Why put yourself in a position where you won't be happy. Yoongi didn't think he would be happy seeing the lengths Jimin could go to not only cover up the existence of his daughter but his relationship with him. He didn't want to be Jimin's burden.

After the conversation with the male, he ended up calling his best friend telling him everything that had happened. To get his mind off of it they went to mall. They walked around when he spotted a hair salon. At first, he had only gone in for a haircut but he ended up coming out with an undercut and blonde hair. Taehyung had laughed saying it was his post break up glow up. It only ended up making the boy sadder realizing they never dated once. But it was better this way, he tried to convince himself. They had a baby and they shouldn't be in a relationship together if they knew one of them would be unhappy.

"Naomi calm down. You're okay," Yoongi whispered rubbing the baby's back. She continued to cry.

"I think it's enough," Jimin said. A frown on his lips. They were doing tummy time. Naomi didn't like it so she would cry in hopes for her parents would have pity on her and get her out of what she deemed an uncomfortable position. When they first started they would only do it for a minute several times a day but now that she was three weeks old they gradually extended the time. She was now doing twenty minutes and she absolutely hated it.

"She only has a few minutes left," the father mumbled. He didn't like seeing his baby cry but it was for her own good. "Look she's even starting to lift her head a bit," he said. Naomi continued to cry out wanting either of her parents to pick her up from the blanket.

"It's only a few minutes," Jimin whispered running his finger over the side of her cheek. Yoongi sighed but ultimately nodded. The brunette quickly lifted the baby cuddling her close rubbing her back to soothe her. He unlocked his phone turning off the alarm that would have indicted her tummy time was over.

The baby quickly calmed down now being in his papa's arms. "My mom said she was coming today," Jimin told the blonde who looked up at him with a raised brow. This would be the sixth time his mom said she would come. In actuality, she's never showed up once. She never even called in advance to tell him she wouldn't make it. She would wait a day or two to call him again and make plans to go only for the cycle to repeat. She hasn't met her granddaughter yet. She wouldn't even know what she looked like if Jimin didn't send her photos every other day. "She's coming this time," he snapped when he saw the look on the other's face.

She didn't go that day nor the day after that. Yoongi didn't say anything. When she called saying she would be there Jimin once again got his hopes up. "Jimin," the blonde had softly said. It was sad watching how the boy waited all day for the doorbell to ring only to be let down at the end of the day.

"She'll come," he defended. By whatever miracle she did. But she wasn't alone.

When Jimin opened the door he was greeted by the sight of both his parents. His father stood tall with an emotionless look.

Any happy feeling the brunette had felt dissipated in an instant. The night he was kicked out flashed through his mind. It was like he could feel the smack to the mouth his father had given him. All the hurtful words that were said. 'Either kill it or get out' those where the options that he had been given that night.

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