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Yoongi was becoming vexed. Jimin was confusing as the teenager was just acting ambivalent about their situation. He firmly stated that they would not repeat the sinful actions in which they took part in but he was consistently being the one to reach out to the brunette for a repetition of the action.

It was frustrating and it simply puzzled the boy. He didn't like having the constant rejection right after sex. It was annoying, to be frank. He was quickly wanting to just tell Jimin to leave him alone since he just didn't want to keep having to put up with him.

"Just tell him to fuck off. He's not the only dick in the world." Taehyung said after letting the puff of smoke escape from his lips.

Yoongi rolled his eyes taking the object out of the boy's hand. "In this fucking town, he might as well be." He mumbled placing his lips around the end of the colorful glass pipe inhaling basking in the relaxing feeling before giving it back to the blue-haired.

The boy gave him a goofy smile placing his hand on the boy's knee teasingly going up to about mid-thigh before stopping his movement. "You got me, baby." He whispered trapping his bottom lip between his teeth.

The younger gagged shoving the boy's hand off causing Taehyung to giggle. It was a known fact to the entire population of the town that Kim Taehyung was gay. It was the reason why you could almost always find the boy with some form of contusion on his body. It also didn't help that he was well known to be one of the vaccine 103 boys.

Vaccine 103 was a vaccine that was administered to pregnant women many decades ago. It was an experimental shot that many willingly took since they were told the vaccine would lower any chance of their children getting cancer. But unfortunately, it didn't do so. When the first generation of those kids grew up there had been a couple cases of females being infertile and even stranger there were even more cases in which males discovered they had more than just the male reproductive system. At first, no one linked vaccine 103 with the odd phenomenon and it was continued to be injected. By the time it was discontinued it was already too late since the damage had been done. The men who went on to have children, whether it be with a woman or another man, had a 50/50 chance that their children would be born with a side effect of vaccine 103. There were tests that could be done to discover if a child was born with the effect. Taehyung's parents choose to do such a test where it was discovered that he, in fact, was affected.

It was four years ago, his freshman year of high school when this information was leaked by who Taehyung believed to be his boyfriend, instead it was a football player who was playing him for a dare. Everyone abandoned him not wanting to be associated with the school 'fag'. It was truly the worst year for him as he was getting bullied, he was lonely, and his anxiety was at an all-time high which caused his grades to slip and force him to repeat freshman year. On the bright side since he flunked the grade the following year he met Yoongi. The boy couldn't care less about what Taehyung's reputation and they quickly became inseparable. Of course, that didn't change the fact that he was getting bullied nearly every day but it did help that he at least had one person by his side. God knew he need that in this insanely conservative town.

Taehyung had actually been the first person he had come out to and was also the first to hear when he lost his virginity during one of his family vacations. So Taehyung was someone Yoongi relied on just as much as they both knew Taehyung relies on Yoongi.

Of course, being close friends with Taehyung meant Yoongi was also outcasted by association but he was never bullied the same way as the blue-haired. People simply didn't try to be friends with him.

"Awe does that mean you don't want me to carry your babies?" He pouted. Yoongi was one of the few boys who was tested in town; most parents chose not to they believed they didn't have to worry about it since their sons could never be gay; he tested negative and was born without the extra reproductive organs.

"Yes, that's exactly what that means," Yoongi confirmed watching as Taehyung smoked whatever was left in the small pipe. They didn't do this often only when they really just wanted to relax. Today had been a particularly rough day for Taehyung so when he had suggested it Yoongi was quick to agree.

Taehyung pursed his lips, "okay I get it. You want your mystery soccer player to carry them." He was playfully shoved only making him giggle more. "Wait, can he?"

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders. "He's never been tested." They had only talked about it once and it was a short conversation it was right before the first time Jimin had let Yoongi be on top.

Taehyung hummed. "Don't end up with a baby." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Never," he replied.

They stayed silent for a moment before they heard chattering voices coming from the hallway. Taehyung grabbed the pipe hiding it away as Yoongi sprayed room with Febreze even covering themselves in an attempt to mask the smell.


Honestly I wrote this chapter to avoid all the "but he's a boy how is he having a baby?" "Where's it coming out from?" Etc. That I get in every book so yeah. Just a filler. Sorry I wish it could be more interesting. I'll hopefully be getting to the good stuff soon

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