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School rolled around quicker than either boy had wanted. Neither felt ready. Yoongi had been timorous for the day leading to back to school. He didn't know what Johnny and his friends would do to him. He was sure the teen hadn't become kindhearted over the summer so he knew him and Taehyung would be a victim of his hate.

Jimin, on the other hand, feared being discovered. He felt like had had a sign hanging over his head depicting how his summer had gone. He knew it wasn't possible for them to know. He had been so careful. Yes, he was still a little pudgy but he didn't think it was extremely noticeable unless you saw him without a shirt which no one would. Yet, the fear loomed over him.

But what made them both the most anxious was being away from Naomi. She was two months old now and in those eight weeks of life, neither of them had been away from her for more than an hour. They knew she would be safe, Mrs.Min has taken her to a daycare that was located inside the hospital she worked at. She promised to check on her whenever she could but still they were uneasy being away from their baby.

"Holy fuck my heart is pounding," Jimin whispered under his breath. He felt his hand being squeezed in reassurance. He looked over seeing the blonde give him a gentle smile.

"You'll be okay," he whispered he reached over giving him a soft kiss on his boyfriend's lips. After a lot of deliberation Yoongi had decided to give them a shot. He still felt like he was risking heartbreak but he would be doing so with or without the label so he decided to dive into the relationship and hope Jimin didn't drown him. If things didn't work out at least he could say that he had given it his all and not just half-assed it.

"Will you be okay?" He asked clutching onto the boy's wrist.

Yoongi gave him another small kiss. "I'll be fine. Just," he paused pulling away. "Just behave, okay?"

The brunette rolled his eyes. "I will," he said in a bored tone. He was tired of constantly having to reassure the boy. "Okay, I should go."

"Jungkook's driving you home?" Jimin nodded. Per the brunette's request, he would be getting a ride from his best friend while Yoongi picked up Mimi. It just helps him feel safer since it lowered their risk of getting caught.

He leaned over giving his boyfriend another kiss before hopping out of the car and walking the remaining block to get to school. Yoongi just shook his head watching him. He didn't like this. He wished he could be like most couples and walk hand in hand with him. Showing everyone that he was Jimin's and that Jimin was his. But of course, that wasn't possible. For now, he had to suck it up until they moved and were able to be free.

The rest of the drive took less than two minutes but he stayed in the car an extra five. He didn't want to go inside. He had contemplated ditching all together but it was the first day. He shouldn't.

"Fuck me," he whispered under his breath as he stepped out of the car. He slowly dragged his feet to the entrance of the building, getting a few dirty judgmental looks hear and there, until he spotted Hoseok and Taehyung leaned against some lockers.

"Good morning, sunshine," Hoseok greeted with a soft smile. Yoongi rolled his eyes but waved his hand.

"Have you guys picked up your schedule yet?" He asked both shaking their head.

"Nope, we were waiting for you," Taehyung said cheerily. The three made their way to the gym and waited in the long lines of seniors. His eyes scanned around the room spotting Jimin quite a few people ahead of him. Johnny and Jungkook beside him. They were laughing. He caught Johnny's eyes causing him to go straight-faced staring at him until his lips curled up into a smirk. He said something to the boys causing them to turn their heads to look in his direction. He looked away and back to his own friends. He didn't glance back over to them.

"We have first, fourth and sixth period together," Taehyung mumbled comparing schedules before handing Yoongi his paper back and snatching Hoseok's out of his hands without asking. He frowned. "We only have first and sixth." Neither was paying attention to the blonde not realizing he had walked ahead until they ended up bumping into his back when he stopped abruptly.

Yoongi stumbles forward from the force but Hoseok quickly caught his forearm to prevent him from face planting onto the ground. He wouldn't have cared though his eyes just focused on the metal door of his and Taehyung's lockers. "It's barely the first day," His blue-haired friend whispered.

Written in what they could only assume to be silver sharpie were the words 'FAGGOTS'. The word spread out across both black metal doors. More slurs surrounding it. Yoongi nodded gliding his tongue across his teeth. He turned his gaze to the people standing in the hall, many staring. Some laughing.

"Great," he whispered turning on his heels and walking away. And that was their start to their last first day of high school.

"Jungkook," Jimin whined when the boy began to pick at his food. He had been on a diet for the past month in an attempt to get his body back in shape and he rather he ate the little amount of food without the grabby hands of his best friend.

He continued to argue with the boy until he felt a body press against his back hugging him. He glanced up over his shoulder almost jumping back when he came face to face with Wheein. He smiled patting her arm. "Hey," he pulled her arms away from him instead guiding her to sit beside him, in the process moving the boy who was seated beside him.

"You never texted me," she pouted. Jimin parted his lips trying to find an excuse. He glanced over at Jungkook only to stare at them awkwardly.

"My bad. I've been busy," he finally said.

The girl hummed. "Well, you're back now," she whispered leaning her face close to him. "Maybe we can hang out after school," she reached over playing with the necklace he was wearing. Jungkook cleared his throat loudly but neither moved from their position.

"I-uh," Jimin chuckled poking his tongue against his cheek. "I don't think my girl will appreciate that."

"Girl?" Wheein raised her brows looking around. "I see no girl," she continued to play the gold pendant. It was a bar pendant with 6-10-20 engraved on it. It was Naomi's birthday. Yoongi's mother had given it to him a few days prior, her son having one of his own. It felt wrong having her touch it.

"I met her when I was staying at my aunt's," he said gently capturing his wrist so that she would stop.

Wheein didn't lose her smile. "I mean what she doesn't know won't hurt her."

Jimin just chuckled scooting further away from her. "Sorry. I can't."

She hums pursing her lips. "Okay, you know my number if you change your mind." She patted his knee giving him a smile. Jimin nodded his head. She turned to look at the other boy sitting close by. "Bye boys." With that, she stood and walk away to her own group of friends. Jimin watched her walk away before turning back to the table. "What was-" Jungkook quickly silenced himself when a few of their friends seated themselves at the table with their tray of cafeteria food.


Hey guys! How are you all? 

Personally I've been feeling stressed, a bit anxious, and down. I'm not sure whether it's from being cooped up at home or if it's just of those of months. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way (and I'm aware some of you have it way worse than I) but if any of you want to talk or vent send me a message. I answer a lot faster on Instagram so if you have it message me there if you don't know my user send a message asking for it of course if you'd prefer to talk on this app that's okay but it might take me a while to get back to you. Remember you are not alone and if you need someone to talk to I'm willing to try and be there for you. 

Anyways I hope you are all okay and safe.

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