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"Woah," the boy mumbled his hand pressed against the other's belly. The thumps against his palm amazing him. "She's so strong."

"Tell me about it. She needs to chill. She's been beating me up lately." Jimin complaining. He hand was on the side of his belly where he was sure her head was at. "She's been keeping me up at night. It makes me fear what she'll be like when she's out."

"She'll be an angel," Yoongi said kissing the spot when she had been kicking only to be kicked in the mouth.

"I want you to repeat that once you're covered in baby poop," Taehyung laughed entering the living room with a bag of Doritos for the pregnant individual. The boy thanked him and quickly pulled down his sweater covering his previously exposed round belly.

"I will repeat that. Trust me. She's going to be an angel," Yoongi argued back.

"If she's anything like you she won't be," Namjoon mumbled from his seat on the ground right in front on the tv. Jungkook beside him as they playing video games.

Jimin had been feeling a bit lonely and secluded from everyone since he was always home so Yoongi decided to invite Jungkook and Taehyung over, since they were the only ones other than family who knew about the baby, to have a game and movie night. The two would sleepover. It just gave Jimin a bit of human interaction he felt he was missing.

The brunette rolled his eyes. "Ow!" Jimin flinched feeling a kick to his ribs.

"I think she's like you, Jimin. She's probably playing soccer in there." Jungkook commented pausing the game so he could go over to the pregnant teen. He placed the hands on it. "Woah she's really going crazy in there."

Jimin whined. He felt huge. He was 28 weeks now and the bigger he got the more uncomfortable he was getting. It was scary to him since he still had 12 weeks, probably more since Yoongi's mom said it was normal for the baby to be late when it's the first pregnancy, and he knew he was still going to get bigger than what he was now. He was over being pregnant. He currently was always tired yet it took him so long to even fall asleep. He couldn't lay on his back for too long before having to move since he truly couldn't breathe properly. His feet and lower back hurt on a daily bases. He would get cramps in his legs. The heartburn was terrible so was having to constantly pee because she decides to kick his bladder. He was over it he just wanted her in his arms already.

He already knew the birth was going to suck. After discussing it with Yoongi and his family he decided he wanted to have a home birth since he thought that would make him feel the most comfortable. But that also meant he would have to do it without any pain medication since after some research he saw that the medication he could take could affect the baby and make him feel sick. He wasn't willing to risk it so he opted to do it drug-free. All-natural. He probably regrets it when the time came.

"Okay that's enough," the blonde slapped his hands away. He hated anyone touching him unless it was Yoongi and even then he didn't like it all that much since having him near and speaking to her made her even more active. He was jealous of anyone who found pregnancy enjoyable because currently, he did not.

"Can we please talk about something other than the baby?" Jimin asked shifting so that his legs were resting on Yoongi's lap and his back against the armrest.

They all stayed silent for a while. The boy pursed his lips squinting at the boys who couldn't seem to make up a conversation around him unless talking about his daughter. "Uh, have you guys decided where you want to live after graduation?" Namjoon questioned.

Taehyung pouted. "Are you guys actually leaving?"

Yoongi shrugged. "I mean we would have to leave for college regardless. No, we haven't picked. We want to tour some colleges first see which we like better and wherever that is where we'll move."

"We should look at some places together," Jungkook suggested. "Who knows maybe we'll find somewhere we all like."

Namjoon scoffed. "It's too late for me. You either have to go to my school or we won't find anywhere else."

It was Jimin's turn to pout and looked at his baby daddy. He would miss seeing the boy every day. He would leave for school not long after his daughter was born so he knew he would be occupied but that wouldn't stop him from calling his best friend about a thousand times a day. "I mean we should check out his school. It seemed cool when I took the tour a year ago."

The brunette nodded letting out a yawn. "Sure babe, if that's what you want." Everyone fell silent. It was only when everyone was staring at him with an odd look did he realize that he had unintentionally called the blonde the pet name. "W-what friends can call each other that," he pushed the boy's legs off his lap as he stood up walking over to the kitchen. Taehyung getting up to follow him since he felt awkward being alone with the three boys.

The two remaining males raised their brows. "So like are y'all dating or what?" Namjoon asked.

"Or what," Jimin replies taking a handful of chips into his mouth. "We're just friends."

"Friends who are having a baby together," Jungkook hummed. "Sounds legit."

"People do it all the time." The blonde rolled his eyes. "Do you realize how much of an ass I am? Yoongi still comes home with bruises. I've seen him limping even though he tries to hide it. I'm glad we're able to be friends after I caused that." He ran his fingers through his hair. The blonde was grown out about two-quarters of his hair was now his natural brown. He wanted to dye all of it brown since he would be damned if the first photos of him and his child was with his hair looking like this.

"He seems to have forgiven you."

Jimin shrugged, "Doesn't change the fact that I've made his life hell. I still haven't forgiven myself for doing that to him."

The relationship between the two was good. They were getting along and spending a lot of time together. He loved being around Yoongi. He was funny and kind. He was an amazing human all around but dating him didn't seem right to him. He had never been in a relationship with a male and after putting a target for all the homophobic residents of the town on the brunette he didn't think dating him was a good idea. Nor did he want Yoongi to be in a relationship with him for their daughter. It was better to stay just friends at least for right now.

They hadn't even slept together since Namjoon had caught them, although they have both at one point or another had the urge to.

"You can't feel guilty forever," Jungkook mumbled. Jimin stayed silent. When Yoongi and Taehyung reentered the room there was no further mentioned of their relationship status.

The night proceeded and three out of the five teens ended up with a bottle of alcohol in their grasp. The parents-to-be enjoying the night without it. A Spanish song that none of them could understand played through the speakers as they all moved their bodies to the music. Loud laughs leaving the tipsy boys' mouths every time one of them would stumble or did a move that didn't match the song.

Meanwhile, the sober teens were in their own little bubble. Jimin's back pressed against Yoongi's front as they grind to the beat of the song. The brunettes hand on the boy's thigh the other on his waist but he knew Jimin was leading their movements.

The blonde laughed when the boy twirled him around his belly leaving a gap between them. He was breathless but he continued to dance grabbing onto the boy's hands. He threw his head back giggling watching the teen awkwardly dance not knowing how to dance to this type of music.

We're only friends. We're only friends. The words repeated in Jimin's mind.

Our little secret // YoonminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang