[1] Snacks & Meals Inspired by Inquisition Characters

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Thom Rainier:
Craving a odd snack that's a bit rustic?
Look no more.
● Rainier Cherries
● Noodle Dogs
● Earl Grey Tea

- Inspiration, I think the cherries explain themselves. The noodle Dogs represent the hanged mut he didn't save, and the Earl Grey stands for the gray wardens.

Cole [+ human influence]:
A sweet, light snack were no animals were harmed in the making of, that should give you a nice boost for then day!
● Avodilla
● A green smoothie or Iced Green tea
● Salted or unsalted almonds
● Green apple slices.

- Inspiration comes from the fade with its green hues and Cole's default outfit. The Avodilla is a light, sweet and fun twist on the Quesidilla. All foods used are relatively know to give you a pick me up through your day. And it's full of extra kindness (just like  Cole) as no animals were harmed.

Dorian Pavus:
A bit extravagant, but can be done of a budget, maybe a little time consuming but awfully tastey.
● Peeled large red grapes
● Swiss cheese slices
● Sparkling water
● Summer Sausage slices

-Inspiration, we all know about the grapes lol. Swiss cheese pairs well with grapes and has a unique taste like Dorian's unique personality. Sparkling water for our dear Sparkler, and to keep the adventurer in you hydrated (water works wonders for the skin so Dorian approved). And summer sausages because well....ehm...

Cassandra Pentaghast:
A mature yet playful treat to power the warrior in you!
● Strawberries diped in honey or chocolate. [Or nuetella]
● Rose Tea
● Bacon wrapped water chestnuts

- Inspiration, strawberries are playful and lots of fun with we something to dip them in, but still say "yeah I'm  totally grown right now" which reminds be of the Seeker. Rose Tea for the romantic side of her. And Bacon wrapped water chestnuts for protein and the clash between the savory Heaviness  and light purity of the bacon, water chestnut contrast.

The Iron Bull:
Simple, with a bit of a kick for that umph!
● Sweet and[or] spicy roasted nuts
● Beer [or] root beer [or] ginger beer
● Buffalo wings
● A  pickle [sweetened or regular]


● A peanut butter and Banna Sandwich.
● Tall cold class of milk

-Inspiration, those nuts Bull adored at the Winter Palace. Beer because Bull spends his free time down at the tavern. Ginger beer because....redheads. Buffalo wings because "Iron Fucking Bull!" And a Pickle because, wings and pickles taste great together.

The sandwich because Bananas and milk because it's said to make you big and strong!

Cullen Rutherford:
A no fuss, quick but filling way to go for our ever busy leaders.
● Beef Jerky or Protein Bar or cold cuts with cheese slices
● Energy Drink or fruit infused water [a dash of lemon counts]
● Blue berries or Raspberries[or] orange slices

-Inspiration, beef jerky and protein because Cullen is always needed somewhere and needs something to fuel him and with the drinks of choice. The berries represent the various for of Lyrium.


Will do more of these soon <3 it's a fun little thing and I haven't  seen it done yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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