Dating Blackwall Would Include:

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■ learning carpentry, and while he teaches you he finds himself unable to fight off the urge for a dirty joke or two.

■ having to pluck hay out of your hair if you've  had a rollround.

■ talking him into sharing your room. so you don't always have a four legged audience listening close by when a night turns into more than just long talks by the bonfire.

■ long talks by the bonfire or fireplace, they can be heavy or light hearted.

■ running your fingers through his hair as he kisses you...

■ ....sometimes that strong warden shivering as you do so.

■ walking about with his arm draped around your shoulders or hips.

■ [if not a warrior] Blackwall teaching you how to hold a shield and you teaching him about your weapon of choice.

■ Blackwall boasting about how proud he is to follow you whenever the chance arrives.

■  "I can hear the calling" being you're  code for letting him know you'd like him to slip away for a bit.

■ keeping tabs on the (nearly nonexistent) repopulation of griffons, he wants to be a warden, you'd love to see him have one.

■ always sending him blankets so he won't get cold in the stables, then eventually going there yourself to be his blanket.

■ Blackwall flirting with you while Sera is his wingman. "Pssssst, tell 'em their arse is a pretty wait peach.."

■ Forgiveness and trust being the fonda tons of the relationship - even before acceptance.

■ He adores all your imperfections and will tell you how and why he finds them endearing.

■ Blackwall feeling comfortable enough to talk about icky stuff. Like how the ham served the pervious night gave him the trots. Or asking you if snot should be rift green.

■ sneaking two of the i quisutions hirses away and racing each other on days with free time.

■ blaming it on Sera when you get caught.

■ his love feeling like personal worship somedays.

■ him making you feel like there isn't anything you can't do - and if there is, you two will do it together instead.

■ Calling him Thom when he pissed you off.

■ Blackwall using his shield to protect you from the rain.

■ treating him to the spa, he might not like fancy frills but no hard working warrior can say no it a soak in clear hot waters....with soothing scented oils.

■ learning to cook as he dreams of hearty home cooked meals after years of eating Hard Tack with blue bits on it.

■ going to jousting matches and both fan girling/boying over the knights.

■ trying to stop Blackwall from joining a jousting match after you fan put over a knight a little too much.

■ him naming his sword Pokey, you naming his other sword Pokey.

■ Calling him Furrows

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