Dating Bianca Would Include:

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The Inquisitor just stole Varric's "not" Bae

◾Late nights supporting her with her inventions. You may or may not be skilled with such things - if you are you lend a hand if not you make sure she remembers to take breaks and bring her snacks - keeping her company...that is until she shoos you away.

◾Varric never speaking to you again in life - you broke the best friend code.

◾Listening to her worry and regret all the terrible mistakes she made in life and reassuring her that mistakes don't make her a bad person.

◾Bianca trying to invent a glove that will make using your mark more stable and less likely to harm you.

◾Bianca making you the most amazing arm attachment in all of Thedas. She will constantly work to improve the model to function more and more like an actual arm.

◾Bianca wanting to call your first child Varric.....I  mean it's won, .....right?

◾The one night stand Bianca had with Varric as a means of saying goodbye.. eats at you but it's never gonna be a thing again.

◾Giving her your full support on her road to becoming a paragon. With the Inquisitor at her side she knows anything is possible.

◾Death threats from her ex husband and having lelianna shut that shit down asap.

◾introducing Bianca to Dagna and regretting it instantly. You've heard five explosions coming from the undercroft in the last 20minutes....poor Harret.

◾allowing Bianca to use your soldiers as testers for her new inventions.

◾Bull giving Bianca naughty ideas for you and her to spice up your love life. It's not nearly as awkward as Varric implied it had been.

◾Knowing she's going to have your back when you really need it.

◾but also knowing she is a lady who puts herself first...and ape cites though to are willing to put her first as well.

◾supporting each other's goals and dreams.

◾joking about you two would be the best worst parents ever.

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