Chapter 1: Prince Taehyung

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The Heart Kingdom is one of the four Kingdoms that rule the southeast of the world. It is known for its beautiful cherry blossom trees, and it's tea. The Heart Kingdom is also known for its kindness, and happiness. The Heart Kingdom is always sunshine and rainbows! At least, that's what it seem like to outsiders.

Like most beautiful things in the Heart Kingdom, exist Prince Kim Taehyung. He is the most beautiful person in the world. He is the second son to the current King of the Heart Kingdom, King Jae.

The Crimson castle is where the King and Princes lives. Usually, the castle is quiet. However, since the prince's 24th birthday is in five days, everyone is a lot busier. That includes prince Taehyung as well.

"Sir, you look beautiful." One of the female servants said. She watched as the Prince walked over to the mirror and looked at himself. He frown before speaking.

"This doesn't suit me. Where is that dress shirt I bought the other day?" Taehyung said as he began to unbutton his shirt.

"Taehyung, you look fine." King Jae said as he walked into the room. The servants bow in respect. Behind the King was Taehyung's personal bodyguard and best friend.

"Oh, hello father." Taehyung said with a smile. He then looked at himself in the mirror again. "Father do you think my hair is weird?"

"No, I do not. Silver is a very beautiful color, Taehyung. You can even ask Jimin." King Jae said as he and Taehyung looked at Jimin.

"He's right, Prince. You shouldn't be so worried about your hair. It's your brain that's weird." Jimin said as he shrugged his shoulders. He then dodged stuff that Taehyung was throwing at him.

"You're so mean, Chim!" Taehyung whine as he hit Jimin on his back. This continued on until the door opened and in stormed Taehyung's older brother.

"Taehyung if you don't like your hair, then cut it off." Taehyung's brother, Prince Jihun. Prince Jihun smirked at Taehyung as Taehyung glared at him.

Prince Jihun and Prince Taehyung hate each other. You see, Jihun is not King Jae's biological son. Taehyung's mother, Queen Ara, died due to an accident. Taehyung was six years old when he lost his mother. King Jae did not take it so well. However, there years after Queen Ara's death, King Jae meet Jihun's mother, BonHwa.

Taehyung loved BonHwa, but didn't like Jihun. It wasn't because Taehyung didn't like Jihun because he wasn't his biological brother. It was because Jihun was always rude towards Taehyung. Jihun would constantly steal Taehyung's stuff, which didn't bother Taehyung that much. However, Jihun broke the last thing Queen Ara gave Taehyung. After that, Taehyung started hating Jihun.

"You're just jealous that I'll be King soon." Taehyung said as he walked towards his bed. Jihun clenched his jaw as he glared at Taehyung. It was true, Jihun was jealous of Taehyung. Jihun was the elder brother, however Taehyung was going to be King.

Jihun looked at Jimin and the smirk as idea popped into his head. Jimin knew Jihun was going to do something, but let it happened. Jimin couldn't do anything seeing Jihun is the prince. However, Jimin is not afraid to speak his mind to the King nor Taehyung.

"Well, when you do become king, I'll take Jimin as my personal bodyguard." Jihun said as he wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder. Taehyung turn to face Jihun with the darkest glare. The servants in the room shivered at the look, and slowly backed into the corner. Everybody knew the two princes hated each other. So, every time they get into a fight, everybody tends to stay any.

"You get your filthy hands off my best friend right now, Jihun." Taehyung growled. Jihun smirked and pulled Jimin closer to him. Taehyung could see Jimin was hella annoyed by Jihun touching  him. "Jihun! Remove. Your. Hand. NOW!"

"Cha Jihun, let go of poor Jimin." A female voice said. Jihun turned to the source of the voice and can face to face with his mother. Jihun rolled his eyes and pushed Jimin away from him. "Jihun! I'm sorry Jimin, please forgive him."

"It's fine, Queen BonHwa." Jimin gave her an eye smile as he said that. However, in the inside he was so ready to punch Jihun for touching his beautiful body.

"No, it's not. Feel free to smack him if he does it again." Queen BonHwa said as she bowed again. She then remembered what she came here for. She ran to Taehyung and hugged him. "I can't believe you're turning 24 in five days! Your mom will be proud."

Taehyung hugged back with a smile. BonHwa was always nice to him. She never once, tried to replace Taehyung's mother. She knew that she will never be seen as Queen nor Taehyung's mother, but she's ok with that. She still loves Taehyung like her own son.

"Thank you, BonHwa." Taehyung said as they pulled away from each other. BonHwa gave him another smile before walking to Jihun. She pulled on his ear and dragged him out of the room.

"Alright, I'll be leaving to. I still have stuff the prepare." King Jae said, giving Taehyung kiss on his forehead. He then left, leaving Jimin and Taehyung alone.

"So, prince, what are you going to do now?" Jimin said as he sat in a chair, putting his feet on the desk. Taehyung cringed at the word prince coming out of Jimin's mouth.

"Please, never call me prince again." Taehyung said as Jimin chuckled. After Jimin finished laughing, he turned serious.

"So, are you gonna come out to them?"

"No, not yet." Taehyung said as he looked down at his lap. Jimin narrowed his eyes before letting out a sigh. "I just, ya know, don't wanna disappoint them."

"Being gay isn't a bad thing, you know." Jimin said as he rested a hand over his eyes. "Yes, in many people's eyes, being gay is a sin and will make you go to hell. But hey, don't worry about that. Because even if you go to hell, I'll follow you down there. I've always wanted to play poker with the devil."

"Jimin this isn't funny." Taehyung said as he looked at his best friend. Taehyung bit his lip before laying down on his bed. "Father has never once supported gay relationships. What if he rejects me?"

"Well, if he does then we'll run away." Jimin said as he removed his hand from his face. He turn towards his friend and gave him a small smile. "No matter what, I'll always be by your side."

Taehyung eyes widen as he smiled. He hugged Jimin and Jimin hugged back. They stayed quiet for a few minute before they pulled away from each other. Taehyung took a deep breath before looking at Jimin. 


"When I become, promise you won't go to Jihun." Taehyung said with a serious look on his face. Jimin, being surprised by this, sat there shock before smirking.

"I don't know, maybe he'll let me sleep in peace." Jimin faked thought as he heard Taehyung whined. Jimin chuckled before looking at Taehyung. "I promise. Plus, I wouldn't be able to go a minute without punching him."

This caused Taehyung to burst into laughter. Jimin, not being able to not laugh, soon started to laugh with Taehyung. The laughed for a good three minutes before Jimin notice the time.

"Alright Tae, I'll be heading to my room. Sleep well, goodnight." Jimin said as he stood up and walked over to the door. 

"Goodnight, Chim chim." Taehyung said back. When Jimin left, Taehyung sat on his bed debating on if he should come out to his father and BonHwa or not. "Gah! This is too much thinking for one day. I'll decide tomorrow. Time for bed."


Hello everyone! And thank you for reading Dragon Descendants! I all honesty, I was going to quit writing because of some very mean people in my life. However, I was liken "fuck them, I love writing". So that's why I stop writing for so long. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story. Until next time! Bye


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