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~ A little forewarning.  This chapter is for a mature audience.  Happy Reading! ~


We gather around the dining room table eating grilled hamburgers, asparagus and baked potatoes. Dinner is delicious and I didn't realize how hungry I was until I took my first bite of my burger. Smith is sitting next to me and I keep messing with him throughout dinner. He is growing on me, my little brother. It's pretty cool thinking that I have a brother that looks up to me. Smith and I are talking about his day when Tessa's voice interrupts us.

"Christian, I've thought about the offer and after talking to Hardin, I'm willing to accept on one condition." The room goes quiet except for Smith chatting about his day. Our eyes all land on Tessa before Vance nods and Tessa continues. "I want the ability to pay you back for what you pay for my schooling, that's over what you'd pay for a typical employee."

"Alright," Vance responds. "I'll make sure that it gets noted that you may pay back as much or as little of the amount for school that you choose, but it's not required. I'll also put in the stipulation that there won't be any interest on the amount that is paid for your schooling. This isn't a loan, Tessa. This is me making a smart business decision and supporting someone who has great potential to make me a great deal of money. Much more than I'd put out for your schooling."

After that, dinner went smoothly and by the time I walked Tessa back to her room, we'd all had a good time laughing and just being a family. I never thought I would be a part of a loving and happy family, but here I am and I'm beginning to realize that this is exactly what I needed.

Tessa sits on the bed with her back pressed against the headboard and pats the spot next to her on the bed. I sit down next to her wondering what she has in store for me. "Did you mean what you said earlier?" she asks and I already know what she's referring to, but decide to play dumb.

"Did I mean what? What are you asking me?" I say trying to hide the mischievous glimmer in my eyes.

"That you wanted to marry me and be a real family. You always said you never wanted to get married or have kids, and here you are about to be a father of three and wanting to marry me. There is no way you could have changed what you want that much in six months." Tessa, looks down at her hands while talking.

I use my fingers under her chin to lift her eyes to meet mine before I say anything. "Yes, I meant every word I said. I didn't want kids or marriage earlier because I was miserable and didn't love myself. I didn't believe anyone could really love me. I mean if my father didn't love me, how would anyone else?I didn't have a father figure to show me how to be a father. I was worried that I would be a terrible father like mine was, and it wasn't fair to put a kid through what I went through. It took me finally loving myself and finding my true self worth to see that I really did want a family. I want to be a husband and I want you to be my wife. Now that I have you back in my life, I want that more than anything else. I never thought I would ever see you again, let alone that you'd actually speak to me. I wanted nothing more than to make things right, but I also didn't want to cause you more pain, but when you showed up, I knew that we were meant to be. I'm just along for the ride at the moment, praying that you decide to let me back in. I'll be in your life any way that you'll let me be, and I'll be the best father to our kids." I can see the tears shining behind her eyes before she leans in and kisses me.

"I don't know if I can trust you in a relationship again, Hardin. It's gonna take time. I just want to do what feels right, and right now kissing you feels right." she says before she places her lips back on mine. She moves so that she's straddling my hips, placing her hands on either side of my face and deepening the kiss. My body wants to take more. My hands want to roam over her body, paying attention to all the spots that I know turn her on. My hips want to thrust up to rub by cock against her body, feeling the pressure and friction between us. I refrain from doing any of that and just place one hand on the small of her back for support while the other cups her face. I'm taking what she gives me and nothing more. When we finally end the kiss we are both breathing heavily. Our eyes lock, and I try to read what Tessa is thinking, but her eyes are clouded and I can't seem to read her eyes. She smirks before her hands land on the button of my pants. She unfastens the button and starts to lower the zipper before I find my voice and ask, "What are you doing?" I place my hands on her to still her hands.

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