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I knew that Kim was going to be at the airport to pick us up today. I was excited to see her and just be back home. Hardin pushed me through the airport in the wheelchair since my back was acting up again. When we came through the doors to baggage claim, there stood Kim, Christian and Smith. I was surprised to see all of them. I watched Kim and Christian's eyes fall on me and turn from joy to panic. Smith's eyes on the other hand never changed from joy. He ran directly to Hardin and wrapped his little arms around Hardin's legs.

Kim and Christian came directly over to us after the shock of seeing me in a wheelchair wore off. "Tessa are you okay?" Kim asked with fear in her voice.

"I'm fine. My back started spasming up and locked up after our flight from Europe to New York. We went into the Emergency Room and they prescribed me some muscle relaxers that are safe to take while pregnant. It isn't anything with the babies. Just my back being angry at me and the airplane seats." I try to laugh it off, but I can see the nervousness in Kim and Chrisitan's eyes.

"Well, let's get you home and settled. You need to rest for the next few days then so your back gets better. If it isn't better soon we should have you looked at again." Christain said as he gave me a hug. "Hardin, it's great to see you." Christian said and stuck his hand out for Hardin to shake. Hardin surprised him by not only shaking his hand, but pulling him in for a hug.

"Thanks for taking care of Tessa for me all this time. I'm glad that you were there for her at the beginning of the pregnancy. I don't know how I'll ever repay you for everything." To say that Kim and Christian were shocked by the new Hardin, was an understatement. Hardin rendered Christian speechless, and that's a difficult thing to accomplish.

"Come on guys, let's get your bags and go home." Kim said breaking the silence. Christian and Hardin grabbed our bags as we waited for them off to the side. Once we had the three bags that we checked everything was loaded into Christian's Escalade and we drove home.

Once we arrived, I couldn't wait to take another muscle relaxer and go to sleep. Hardin helps me out of the car and immediately lifts me up, bridal style, and carries me inside and directly to my room. He lays me on the bed and takes off my shoes. "Do you need anything, Tessa?" He asks as he pulls the blankets over me.

"Maybe some water and one of the muscle relaxers. Can you tell everyone I'm sorry, but I need to rest for a bit?" I close my eyes and relax into the comfort of my bed.

"I'll be right back." Hardin says as he leaves the room. He comes back quickly and hands me one of my pills and a bottle of water. "Sleep, Tess. I'll come check on you in a little while." He says and then adds, "If that's ok with you."

"That would be great." I say as I close my eyes. I feel Hardin peck my forehead before he turns off the light and closes the door.


It's hard watching Tessa in so much pain with her back. I didn't really give her an option as to where she was going when we got to Vance's house. I carried her directly into her room and laid her on the bed. She needs to rest her back so the muscles can heal. Thankfully she didn't argue with me, and seemed to appreciate it. I stood in the doorway watching her as she fell asleep. She looked so peaceful with her head against the pillow. I could never tire of watching her sleep.

Kim and Vance were waiting in the kitchen for me after I left Tessa to rest. "How has she been?" Kim asked. "I've been worried about her. She always told me she was good, but seeing her in that wheelchair at the airport scared me."

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