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Kim woke me at eight AM. She couldn't wait any longer for me to wake up. She needed to know where I was so long yesterday. I was so tired only getting four hours of sleep, and Kim could tell that it was a rough night. "Geez, Tessa, you look like crap. What happened yesterday?"

I sit up in my bed, still half asleep and check my phone. I read the text from Hardin before I answered Kim. Meet me at the coffee shop Caravan. I'll see you at ten. The second text had the address to the coffee shop.

I look up from my phone and start my explanation to Kim. "Well, I went to Trish's house like I planned, and we had a really good talk. She gave me Hardin's address before I left. She was shocked to see that I was pregnant, but she seemed like she could be excited about it. She wants to get together again before we leave England."

"Well if things went good with her, what took you so long to come back?" Kim asks, sitting at the foot of my bed so we are facing each other.

"As I was leaving her house, it felt like someone was watching me. Just as I was getting into my car, I looked up and there was Hardin."

"Holy shit." Kim yelled, cutting me off. "What happened then?" She leans forward intent on finding out what happened.

"We were both shocked to run into each other. Him more than I was. He wanted to know why I was in England and I told him that I was looking for him and that we needed to talk. I'm meeting him today at ten at a coffee shop."

"What did he say when he saw you were pregnant?" Kim practically yelled it at me. She sure loves a good gossip.

"He didn't see. The car was in between us the whole time. I chickened out on telling him. After I pulled away, I drove straight back here, but I needed some time alone to think. I went out to the courtyard. It was quiet and I lost track of time. There was so much running through my head. To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell him. He looked great when I saw him, actually happy. I'm afraid that I'm going to mess up his life."

Kim scoots closer to me on the bed and pulls me into a hug. "Tessa, you know it's the right thing to tell him. He needs to know. Look at how messed up he was from his Mum not telling him about who his dad really is. You need to tell him, he has had too many things in his life kept from him."

"I know, you're right. I just need to do it and hope for the best." I pull out my phone and text Hardin back. I will meet you there. See you soon.

"I better get ready. I want to get there before he does." I get in the shower and hurry to get ready. I want to make sure I'm there before Hardin is. I put on one of my most comfortable pair of maternity jeans and a pale pink short sleeved shirt that has a belt that sits above the baby bump and is tight fitting. I won't be able to hide my belly from him with this outfit.

I leave at nine to head to the coffee shop. Kim wishes me luck on my way out the door. The drive isn't far and I arrive by 9:20. I contemplate pulling back out of the parking spot and just driving. I'm so nervous. I take a deep breath and remind myself of what Kim told me this morning. Hardin has had too many secrets kept from him, he needs to know. Before I can talk myself out of meeting with him, I get out of the car and walk into the coffee shop.

The smell inside is amazing, but I ask to be seated at an outside table. It's a beautiful morning, and I'm hoping that this gives us more privacy. I ordered a non caffeinated coffee and a vege fry. I couldn't wait to eat, I'm starving and nauseous from not eating yet today and the impending conversation with Hardin.

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