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I woke the next morning feeling relieved that Ken and Karen finally knew that I was pregnant with Hardin's babies. We celebrated with a delicious dinner that Karen made and talked about what my plans are for the future. They didn't bring up Hardin any more, and for that I am extremely thankful. I'm stressed about having to tell Hardin already, I'm glad that they aren't adding more stress to my plate.

My stomach is rumbling, I check the clock and realize it's midmorning already. I get dressed for the day and pad downstairs for breakfast. No one is in the kitchen, so I heat up some oatmeal and sit at the breakfast bar thinking about how lucky I am to have two families that are supporting me. Just as I finish up my breakfast, Karen comes into the kitchen from the backyard.

"Good Morning," she says, breezing by me to the sink with a bowl full of vegetables. "We are getting so many vegetables from what we planted. I thought we could have a nice salad from our hard work for dinner tonight." She smiles as she washes her hands.

"That sounds amazing," my mouth starts watering from the thought of a fresh salad.

"I was also thinking that you and I could go shopping and find some things for the babies. I can't wait to spoil them," Karen says as she walks over and gives me a hug.

"That sounds like fun." Karen and I go our separate ways to get ready before heading out to shop.

Karen and I go to so many stores. We look at everything baby. It overwhelms me knowing that I need double of everything. Babies are expensive. I start getting nervous, my heart starts racing, and my body starts shaking.

"Tessa, are you ok? Come, let's sit down." Karen wraps her arm around my waist and leads me to the nearest bench. "You are really pale. Here take a drink," she hands me a bottle of water. Karen rubs my back as I drink some of the water.

"I'm sorry. I think I just had a panic attack." I rub my hands over my face. "Looking at all of the things that I'm going to need for the babies, and how expensive it is, I panicked."

"Oh, honey. Let's not worry about that. I know you said that Christian and Kim offered to help as much as you needed, and Ken and I will be there to help too. Let's not worry about that now. You shouldn't be stressing, it's not good for the babies. Take a deep breath, and let's try and have some fun." Karen smiles at me and grabs my hand.

I look at her and can't help returning her smile. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, Ken and Landon. I don't know what I would do without you." Karen wraps me up in a hug.

"Now, Let's get back to shopping for those little babies." Karen says and pulls me to my feet. We spend the rest of the afternoon and early evening shopping. We fill up all of the extra space in Karen's suburban.

"Holy cow. I can't believe that you bought all of this. It's more than I expected you to do, Karen. I don't want you to think that I'm not appreciative of all of this, because I am. I just don't want you to think that I expect you to pay for or buy everything that I need for the babies."

"Tessa, I did this because I wanted to. I'm going to be their grandma. This is what grandma's do. I can't wait to have little babies to cuddle and spoil. Now, let's pick up some takeout on the way home."

The rest of the weekend is amazing. Landon and I spend Saturday night hanging out watching movies and eating junk food. It was so relaxing and a much needed break.

Sunday we have a very hard time getting all of the things in my car that Karen bought for the babies. In the end, we put as much as we can in my car, and Karen promises to bring the rest next weekend to Seattle. We all say our goodbyes and I start my drive early so I can rest before work on Monday.

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