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I'm not sure how long I sleep, but when I finally start to regain consciousness, I feel an arm draped over my waist and a hand pressing against my round stomach. My eyes slowly open and gaze at the hand resting on me. I see the familiar tattoos of the boy that I love and my heart flutters. I lay there, regulating my breathing and pretending I'm sleeping. Once I'm awake, I need to break this contact, and I'm not ready for that.

I know that I'm playing a dangerous game. I don't want to lead Hardin on, thinking that we will get into a relationship, but it feels amazing having someone hold me. This is one of the things that I've missed the most since we broke up. I know that Hardin is awake, I can feel his gaze on me and can tell by his movements in bed. His face is nestled right behind my neck, his breath warming the skin right behind my ear. I can feel my stomach tightening with arousal at his nearness.

I struggle to keep my breathing slow and easy, and then Hardin places his lips to the exposed skin right below my ear. That small touch of his lips sends shockwaves of pleasure throughout my body. I can't control the shiver of my body. Hardin's hand flexes on my stomach as he realizes that I'm awake. "Hey. I didn't mean to wake you," he says rubbing his hand over my stomach.

I turn to face him and see so much emotion in his gaze. I can see the want and need for me, as well as love. It makes me feel like maybe there is hope for us. I quickly shove that thought aside. I can't afford to be hurt again. "You didn't wake me, I've been up for a little while." My face flushes with my confession. "You're back early?"

Hardin's face changes, I can see that he's nervous. He sits up in the bed, rubbing his hands on his legs. "Yeah. I quit the tutoring program effective today. When I got there, June called me into her office to talk. She threw herself at me, and kissed me. I shoved her away immediately. She pissed me off. Her and I had gone to coffee a few times as friends, but she had a different idea of that. I never saw her as more than a friend, ever. You were right to feel the way you did the other day, Tessa. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I needed to tell you right away. I don't want to keep any secrets from you ever again. I just hope that you can trust me, and know that I didn't want that to happen." Hardin's eyes watch me with more intensity than I have seen in a long time. I can see the honesty in them and his desire for me to believe him.

I sit up in bed and cup his face in my hands. "I believe you, Hardin, and I'm not mad. We aren't together so it wouldn't upset me if you would have kissed her back. It means the world to me that you were honest and told me about it. Thank you." I keep my hands on his face and notice that his eyes are struggling to meet my gaze.

"Shit," I yell as I realize that the blankets are pooled around my waist and I'm naked from the waist up. My nipples harden in reaction to Hardin's stare at them. They ache to be touched. I try to grab for the blankets to pull them back up, but Hardin holds them around my waist.

"I want to look at you. You are beautiful and pregnant with my babies. Please don't cover up yet." He begs.

His words send another wave of arousal through me and my panties are soaking now. The way he is taking in my changing body is turning me on. He doesn't attempt to touch me. "The changes in your body are remarkable. Your clothing hides them well. Your tits have gotten bigger and your belly is rounded out like a beach ball. You look so damn hot." My body flushes pink with Hardin's words.

After he has had his fill of checking out the changes in my body, Hardin pulls the sheet up and wraps it around my body. "Thank you for letting me see how our babies are changing your body. Seeing and touching your belly is the only way that I can feel like I'm part of the pregnancy. What you just did for me, means the world." He reaches out and places his hand on my covered belly. "I'm amazed that you are growing our babies. I can't wait to see how things change even more as we get farther along in the pregnancy."

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