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Well it's been quite some time since I've written.  I'm so so very sorry.   Since July last summer my family of 7 moved across country to my parents, where we stayed for 7 long weeks until we closed on our house.  Once we got moved in school was in session and we had to do virtual school for our kids until they had a spot for them.  I also started a new job where I was working close to 60 hours a week. 

On top of that my family got COVID in November.  I was literally sicker than I have ever been in my life. I didn't leave my bed for 2 weeks and didn't leave the house for another 2 weeks. 

We also have been going through some medical issues and testing with my 6 year old son.  He has seen a geneticist, nutritionist, and also has seen there specialists in the autism clinic where we live.  He has been diagnosed with high functioning Autism, ADHD and Anxiety.  Now we are finally able to get the school to give him extra services so he can be successful.  It's been a long and exhausting fight with the school.

I also changed jobs in December because I was working way too many hours at my other job and it was taking a toll on my family. 

Oh and if that wasn't enough in March we got two brother puppies from the same litter.   They are the most adorable golden retriever puppies, that we named Huckleberry Fin and Tom Sawyer (Huck and Sawyer). Potty training the puppies is going just as well as potty training our youngest.  Not well. Lol.

My plan is to finish this story.  I just have been so dang busy with everything that I haven't had the time.  I promise soon my friend. 

Love you all! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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