" Claude. Please go bring my suitcase from upstairs. We're going to Diagon Alley." You instructed. The butler curtly nodded and headed towards the servant's stairs, which also were the fastest way to get around the estate, so the ones who took them could get anywhere around the house very quickly when asked.

He came back not long after, with his white gloved hand wrapped delicately around your suitcase's handle. " Diagon Alley, miss (y/n)?" He repeated.

" Yes, Claude. I want to get some gifts for my acquaintances." You replied.

" Very well. How would you wish to get there, miss?" Claude asked in a posh tone. 

" We'll apparate. It's faster, and I don't have all day." You said as you locked arms with the family butler before taking out your wand and turning it on the spot while picturing Diagon Alley very clearly in your mind. 

Claude and Mildred were both squibs, so they were unable to cast the spell, but you didn't mind, since you were fairly good with many incantations including advanced ones. Apparating didn't affect you anymore, since you'd done it many times before, and Claude, like the perfect butler he was, didn't even flinch. 

The both of you had apparated into the crowded Diagon Alley, which was decorated for Christmas. You looked around you everywhere: it was mesmerizing and jolly. You'd never been to Diagon Alley during the holidays, and that had been unfortunate, since it was beautiful. 

You walked around, window shopping a little bit, not knowing where to go. " Claude." You called out to the butler that had been walking silently behind you. 

" Yes, miss (y/n)?" He asked, leaning a bit forward to hear you better over the crowd. 

" What type of presents do people give each other for Christmas?" You cocked your eyebrow. If you wanted to buy presents, you had to at least know what was good to make one. 

" Oh my." The butler hummed. " It vastly depends on the person, miss. Not everyone will have the same taste in gifts. But, something from the heart is always best, something you know will make the other person happy."

" Right, thank you. That really helps, I have some ideas now." You smiled, thinking about what James and Sirius, as well as what Mr. and Mrs. Potter would like. I should gift James an enchanted hairbrush to try and tame his messy hair, but I doubt he'll like that. You chuckled.

" Oh! I know exactly what to get them!!" You finally cheered. " I may be the one regretting the idea later, but they'll certainly be happy!"


You'd spend about a couple hours shopping with Claude, buying tickets for a nutcracker ballet in London for Mrs. and Mr. Potter as well as a tea set to give them as a 'thank you for having me' present. " Miss (y/n), it is soon time for you to leave." Claude said, looking at his watch. 

" Very well. I've got everything I need, anyways." You nodded with a smile. You locked arms with the butler once more and apparated back to the estate, since you'd be leaving by an enchanted carriage to James' house. 

You couldn't apparate since you'd never been there, but he had given you the address, and with a simple spell, your family's magically driven carriage would get there in no time. " Miss (y/n)!" Mildred exclaimed as she walked swiftly towards the door of the estate as Claude opened it for you.  

" Yes?" You asked, poking your head back inside. 

" Have a nice visit, miss!" She smiled. " And Merry Christmas."

" Merry Christmas to you both as well." You returned the smile as Claude helped you up the carriage after putting your luggage on the seat in front of yours. " Claude, remember to bring the other two gifts on Christmas morning, alright?" You reminded him, referring to James and Sirius' because you didn't want to risk them finding the gifts before Christmas.

" Of course, miss (y/n)." He nodded. " Have a safe trip." And with that, he closed the door of the carriage, and it took off flying, with an invisibility spell for the Muggles not to see it. 

The ride to the Potter's home wasn't long, and the carriage dropped you off a couple yards away from the door, before becoming invisible again and flying back towards the (l/n) manor. You swung your luggage from side to side as you walked towards James' house, which was cozy looking. 

" Don't be nervous, (y/n)..." You took in deep breaths as you stayed at the front door for a couple seconds, hesitating as you knocked. 

The door opened seconds later, and you were met by James, who leaned on the door frame. " (L/n)!" He exclaimed as if he didn't know it had been you. " Welcome to my humble home."


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