"Not so fast Harper," Blade said coldly. He pulled me down on the seat and sat there not knowing what to do.

"So you tried to escape from us?" the other one said. I stayed silent staring at Ellie. Feeling cold hands linger onto my shoulders which broke my staring contest with Ellie, sending cold shivers down my spine.

"Get your hands off of me or I will stake you," I threatened with a serious tone. All four guys laughed while acting scared.

"The quiet girl finally steps up to talk to us vampires like that. How impressive," Remose responded. I tensed up as their cold skeleton like fingers didn't leave my arm and shoulders.

"You commited to sit in this seat, got that Harper?"

"Copy that Remose," I said harshly.

"Oooh," the boys said in unison. Just then the teacher walked in getting ready for the lesson. About time. "Mr. Vance sit down and leave Mrs. Harper alone." Keir did just that, thankfully. Blade Remose let go of my arm too. I got out my notes and started jotting down the important things.

This class felt slower than usual. Maybe it's because I'm sitting with these idiots. I may hate them and frightened, but they are harmless with their accessories on. Cautious though as I casually glanced over to my left to see the boys paying attention thankfully. Looking back to the front, the teacher kept talking. Soon enough, he finished as the rest of us finished taking notes.

The bell rang as I scurried to put my things in my bag and take off. The second I stepped out of the classroom, I run to my locker to drop everything off to head to lunch. Slipping through the students as I made my way thinking how I'm going to tell my friends about the encounter with the vamps during Social.

Spotting my friends outside at a table talking I walk up to them ready to tell my story. I sit down beside Lennix and Lauren. "Hey girl!" Lauren and Katherine said unison.

"Hey guys. Guess what happened to me in Social?"

They gave me their full attention now. "I got touched by the vamp kids."

They all gasped. "I had to sit beside that Blade kid because there were no more seats when Ellie had an open seat beside her. I was about to go when he touched me forcing me to sit back down. Then one of his friend, Keir Vance, touched my shoulders. I can still feel his fingers on my shoulders."

"Wow!" They stared in shock asking all sorts of questions once I finished the story.

"Wow! I never thought the vamps would be all over you Sarah," Sabor commented smirking away.

"Oh shut up Sabe."


Sabor hates it when I call him Sabe, yet his reaction is hilarious. Between all of us, Sabor and I have the best relationship ever. We actually started this group with the friends and throughout the years, Lauren, Lennix, and Katherine came in.

I laughed hysterically at his remark.


"I'm home!" I call into the home hoping one of my parents can hear.

"Hey honey, we're downstairs!" My mother called.

Placing my bag down on the couch in the living room, I head downstairs into the basement to find both of my parents in my father's' office. My father, Jeffrey Harper, is the leader of the vampire hunters. Yep, vampire hunters. For as long as I can remember, ever since vampires roamed the area and taking souls, my father gathered a big group of people and trained them to become vampire hunters.

It helps protects our town from them. They have killed many vampires until they got their bands, necklaces, and belts. The government has paid them to kill until now. My father and their group still goes out occasionally catching vampires who aren't supposed to be around. When I'm older, my father said I'll be joining the group to help with the town.

Making my way in the room my dad sat in the office chair while mom hovered over his shoulder. My parents are too busy sometimes to even notice I'm here. So for them to know I'm present I have to speak up.


My mother glanced over her shoulder to acknowledge me. "Hello darling, how was school?" she asked looking back to whatever they're looking at.


"Hello Sarah," my Dad grumbled.

"Hey dad."

Leaving them to do their business, I head upstairs to grab my bag walking upstairs to my bedroom.

Throwing my bag on my bed, I grasped my turquoise pillow and sat on the bench on my windowsill looking out into the fall scenery

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Throwing my bag on my bed, I grasped my turquoise pillow and sat on the bench on my windowsill looking out into the fall scenery. I did my homework until my parents called me down for dinner.

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