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(Ruin's P.O.V.)

Delight filled me at the thought of Calypso having a child. Unfortunately, I didn't think going back to their coven was a good idea. That's what they were pushing for. Everyone knew pack rules. Absolutely no leaving without letting me know. Despair lingered in the doorway, ever the protective guard. I sighed and clicked my pen. Calypso and Vince had already left the meeting. I felt like daggers were being glared at me from afar. Twilight and Shadow were out in the yard somewhere with Kris. I just didn't approve of a child that strong not being within the safety of my pack. 

"If they can't protect the child, we've got to step in. It's our future at hand," Despair stated bluntly. His gaze avoided my own womb. This was becoming a complicated pregnancy. No matter what I did or ate, I threw up immediately afterward. It was slightly odd that she and I conceived relatively close to each other. It's almost like we were connected. Now apparently all we needed was Kris to fall pregnant as well. Then again, I've been doing some research. Not a whole lot; just enough to let me know the three of us were related.

"I know, love. It's just hard to imagine how Kristiana, Calypso, and myself are connected. I have a bad feeling that the three of us shall miscarry if we leave each other's presence," I rubbed the bridge of my nose. Irritating, one of our pups got ahold of my glasses and decided they were toys. So, at the moment, I was about as blind as an old bat. I haphazardly reached for my ring and spun it around my right ring finger. Suddenly, everything came into slight focus. You're welcome. Alpha grumbled. A dark entity hovered in front of my desk. Calypso, Kristiana, Vince, and Raiden appeared on either side.

"Who are you?" I demanded to know, infuriated that this being thought it respectable to intrude upon my pack lands. He laughed.


"F-? What?!"

"You asked my name. This is the time for wrongs to be righted. A split must now become the one. Three to three for two to make!" the stranger chanted something softly as the room began to vibrate. My vision blurred further, green and red flashing behind my eyelids. I felt two bodies slam into mine from the right and left. I slammed my hands down on the desk. Memories that weren't mine played in my ears like earbuds. And as suddenly as everything started, it stopped. The stranger was gone. Despair and looked glanced at each other worriedly.

Little crowded in here... Alpha grumbled. In my mind's eye I saw her wolf form amongst a few others. Someone twirling something around their wrist... Kris?!

Y-yeah. What happened? I wasn't sure so I left my mind to view Despair reclining in a lounge chair and flexing his fingers.

"Despair? We need to call a pack meeting! I must find out who that was!" But he didn't move. 

His fingers closed into fists, "Of all things to happen to me today. Now I'm in this little body? Does this young man ever work out? This is no way for the Lord of all Vampires to live!"

"Is that you, Vince?" I asked cautiously. Despair's eyes flicked up to hold mine in a strong glare.

"Ruin, what was that?" Vince inquired. Blood dripped down from clenched fists. Good question. I'd like to know as well. I stood up a little wobbly, as if extra weight had been put on. Or... lost? I looked down, going to wrap my arms around my stomach. I was no longer pregnant. I growled, feeling the rage of four entities take over my body. My eyes were burning. As if they were switching colors more and more rapidly. I felt Despair, or was it Vince...? He wrapped his arms around my body, holding my arms in a crossed position over my chest. 

Suddenly, it was like a dam broke. From a small leak to a large gush of negative energy left my body. The fuzziness in my mind began to fade. Alpha and the others all stood in a circle. In the middle, a small orb glowed brighter than the moon. Despair settled me back down into my chair. 

Can I come back out now...? Calypso asked nervously, wringing her hands. I shrugged internally. Pack business, worry about what just happened later. She rescinded to sit in a corner of my head. My mind was so crowded. 

"My apologies, Vince, but I need Despair back for a few moments. There's pack business to attend to. We wouldn't want a war to start with the origin packs of the ones who are now bonded with us." I looked down at the letter on my desk. Signed off with Marco's signature. I swear... if he didn't leave my sister alone I was going to destroy him. The room's temperature dropped. Rubbing my biceps to get some circulation going, I glanced up at the newcomer. Well, not new... Death lounged in one of the chairs.

"So how does it feel to be four people at once, Ruin?" he asked. 

"Conflicting. I'm still myself... But with knowledge of others."

Despair threw his hands up in frustration. "I can't even tell who I am right now! Might as well change my name and move to another pack!" Anger leaked into his voice. He wasn't serious, right? What was I supposed to do if he left?

"Keep running the pack as if nothing happened?" A new voice said. Who else is in my head? Dropping my head into my hands, I collapsed into my seat. My desk seemed to be vibrating in front of me.

If I had just somehow absorbed my new pack mates, how to explain their disappearances... I'd be labeled as deadly. I accept all into my pack. Twilight and Shadow, my children, won't understand what's going on. I'll have to call a witch to help me wipe everybody's minds that they were here...


I'll lose the trust of the other alphas.


And I'll be labeled a laughing stock. A growling sound filled the room as I dug my nails into my hair. What if this was coming all along? Have I been cursed from the beginning?


I jumped, looking over toward the shout. The growling dwindled into silence. A slight white noise spread about the room. As if everything was afraid to move.

"Yes, Death?" The words barely a threat against his nonchalance. He spun his scythe in his hand lazily. Despair had since left the room and it was no mystery his departure led to my breakdown.

"You're fine. You've lived as a third of a soul for too long. It possible there may be more pieces; but for now you have multiple personalities. Despair, the dimwit he is, has other problems however. He's a mortal with the soul of a vampire and wolf fighting inside his body right now. You've always been a hybrid. Now wake up. Your mate needs you," he stated. Once last look at me before he fizzled out of this realm of reality.

Great. Time to teach him how to be a hybrid.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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