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Days passed since the uncontrollable tremors had passed through me. It had been my first seizure, according to Vince. All I remember was being terrified. He held me through it. This couldn't have been healthy. The attachment that was occurring between us. If I tried to go anywhere he completely shut down. If he left, I panicked so bad I couldn't move. The officiating ceremony was scheduled for a few weeks from now. I was anxious. It didn't help that we babied the connection as if it might break.

"Hello, hello. Can you hear me?" A voice called. I flinched, suddenly blending into the nearby shadows. Well, that's new. Victor, Vincent's younger brother, scratched his head curiously as he looked around the room. "That's odd, I could've sworn I saw her in here only moments ago."

"Vicky poo!"

I froze. I knew that voice. But I was told she was locked up... Charlotte came into sight and leaned over Victor's shoulders. He ignored her, barely acknowledging that she was there to begin with. I guessed he was still trying to find me.

"What, Charlie? I'm busy right now," he said. He wandered around the room. I stayed quiet, watching. I swore that if either of them touched anything I was going to flip out. Victor stood right in front of me but didn't seem to see me. I adjusted my glasses and wished desperately that I was next to Vince.

When I blinked, I was in his office, behind his desk. Or, more accurately, I was underneath it where his legs were. I thought it was fairly spacious. With that in my mind, I solidified. His feet supported my butt. Giggling, I looked up at him. Vincent craned his neck to look back down at me. His eyes widened in shock. A light thud indicated he had put his pen down. He scooted his chair away from the desk, placing his hands on his knees. My butt landed on the floor when he moved.

"How did you even get under there?" He asked.

"No idea, but I kind of like it," I replied. I stuck my tongue out at him and made it clear I had no inclination to move. He glanced up, holding a finger up at me. That was his way of saying I needed to be quiet. I traced the carvings on the underside of his desk as he scooted back in, crossing one leg over the other so I'd have more room.

"Can I help you three?" Vincent asked all official-like.

The first voice I heard was Shade's: "We are asking you cordially, for the last time I might add, to assist with beginning New Thesium."

The second, Victor's: "It's a simple loan, brother dearest. Think, you would be free to step down as king and simply be a general instead."

"I'm afraid I cannot do anything without consulting my queen first. She makes the final decision. Convince her and I may reconsider," Vincent cleared his throat. He sounded like someone who had their back against a wall.

The third and final voice set my teeth on edge. Charlotte's: "We already searched the castle for her, Vincey. It seems she's run away from you."

"No, I simply sent her out with her friends for the day. You're welcome to wait here for her return but I warn you, I will be meeting with a few wolves today as well." Light scratching noises let me know he had picked his pen up to write a few things. I smothered a giggle. Oh, wait, that meant I had to try to reverse whatever I did coming there.

"We will do that then," I heard Shade state.

Chairs scuffles along the floor as they situated themselves around the room. I felt my eyes gloss over and gripped onto Vince's pant-leg. He stiffened. His hand reached down to rest on my head, lightly petting me. Looking into the shadows, I imagined myself back in our room. Slowly, the world around me dissipated into particles. I landed on the bed. Result of overshot most likely. The room was dark and I felt so exhausted. The bed was comfortable so I curled up under the comforter and dozed.

Thick, snakelike arms wrapped around me from behind. I opened my mouth to scream but felt a hand cover my face. An unbearable pressure in my chest appeared, making it nearly impossible to breathe. My powers fluctuated around me. They began to strike at random. Several gasps and a knife against my neck later, it was just me and my captor.

"Didn't think it'd take this much to get to you. Oh, well. Lesson learned. Now," the thin steel of the blade pressed into my skin. "Come with me peacefully or I'll kill your sister."

I went limp into the voice's hold. It wasn't possible. She'd been missing for years. There was no way, yet...

"Fine." I said weakly. Elentiya growled, pushing to take control. I shushed her because I was afraid of the consequences. We'll get out. Not this time we won't. You need to fight. My body was still groggy from sleep but I sensed her sending energy through my limbs, waking them up.

Get up. Vincent's coming. She told me. Internal instincts told me he had to be my priority to save. Living without my sister I had done, considering our bond the way it was, I couldn't let him get hurt. There you go. Fight him the right way, hybrid style.

I twisted in my captor's hold, slipping free from his grip. Vince's office was about 100 feet down the hallway. That gave me about five minutes to take care of this. The man came toward me, brandishing the short blade. I reached for his wrist and drew it to my mouth, locking his hand where he couldn't grasp the blade anymore. I bit into his arm, feeling my venom flow from my fangs. His blood poured into my mouth. When his other hand came up to try to pull me off, I spun and attacked that one as well. He flailed his legs in attempt to kick or cripple me in some sort of way. I reached down and gently took hold of his nether region, twisting ever so slightly.

"Tell me what you know about my sister," I snarled. The man pulled his arm away from my mouth. I didn't care. I knew his blood was dripping down my neck. His eyes were wide as his bottom lip quivered. I twisted harder, "Now, knave. Lest ye be in the mood for your own demise."

"Why should I tell you? You're going to kill me anyway," he retorted. I elongated my claws to pierce his skin.

"Because if you don't I'll enjoy letting you almost bleed out every day. You won't die, but your spirit will." The cackle that burst forth from me was loud. That was quite a good plan, actually. This felt amazing. An electric current was running through my body. I pinned him down by his mutilated wrists. The fear was evident in his gaze.

Suddenly, the temperature in the room dropped. I looked around curiously, wondering who was tampering with my fun. Vince came toward me slowly. I watched him like a deer in headlights. Shade, Victor, and Charlotte all hovered near the entrance, all observing me.

The harlot.

I growled and leapt from the man's quivering body, heading straight for Charlotte. Victor and Shade sprung into action as they stood shoulder to shoulder to protect her. I stalked toward them on all fours, growling my warning. They didn't move. Hands lightly wrapped around my upper biceps. I looked up. Vincent was grimacing but the main emotion that showed was worry. I didn't move away from him like I wanted to. He sat down, pulling me into his lap.

"Come back to me, little baby love," Vincent plead in my ear. I whimpered and curled into his chest. He tucked my head under his chin before he spoke to the others, "Lock him in the dungeons."

"Yes, sir," Victor said. He nudged Shade and Charlotte to help him. My captor took one last glance at me and smirked. Like he had won after all. I realized that man was three times my size and I took him down like a rag doll. I snarled at him before he vanished from my sight. He was in the hands of Victor's posse now. I hoped they knew what they were doing.

We did good, Elentiya approved. I knew she was right. I stood up for myself for once. It was worth it. Vincent shook his head but lifted me into his arms. He carried me to a spare bedroom and set me in the bathtub. I was covered in that man's blood. Adrenaline continued to pulse in my veins, making me numb. Vince turned the showerhead on right away. It wasn't long until I was shivering and coming down from that high.

"I'm here, baby," he told me soothingly. "I'm right here."

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