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I sat back, observing the newcomer's behavior. He got along well with Despair. It was almost as if they were legitimate twins. His name was Dusk. And he was too new to be trusted. Despair still lingered in the dark places of our home. Rath insisted he wasn't a threat. Needless to say, I didn't believe him. Dusk couldn't take his eyes off Skotadi. It was disturbing. I had adopted her as my little sister. Making me Noodle's partial aunt.

"Would you relax?!" Despair's voice snapped. Glaring at him, I stood up, not liking uneven grounds.

"What is your problem?" My response was cold and blunt. He shook his head, sulking back where he belongs. In the shadows. Away from me. I shuddered, putting my hand over my scar. The mark removal had left a large burn. My name may have been Life, but I was hating every second of it. Back when I was just Ruin, everything was just better. I didn't have to worry about others. It was Rath and I against the world. Now... I don't know. I had others to take care of. A child included in that. I folded my hands under my head as I laid back onto the musty couch. Dusty particles flew up into the air. Ever since I stopped wearing those accursed contacts, my eyesight became clearer, sharper, and more in focus. Noodle still didn't have a technical name. Since he wasn't my kid, I couldn't exactly name him. 


My eyes closed. I sat up, "Yes, Dusk?"

"I know I'm new and everything but... if you need to talk, I'm here to listen," his unusually high pitched voice said. Some days, I swore he was afraid of me. No one called me by my new name and secretly, I was relieved. When Dusk didn't walk away after saying that, I knew something was wrong.

My eyes opened to see him standing in the doorway, "I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm fine. Is there something else you want to talk about?"

"Actually, yes. I've been trying to figure out how to ask but... did you know that you're expecting?" he said in barely a whisper. 

Sighing, I shook my head, "It's not a topic I'm comfortable talking about."

"Okay," Dusk sat on one of the other couches. We had three of them, for lazy day purposes. Not wanting to be rude, I laid back down, wiping away a small trail of saltwater from under my lashes. For years I was sure I wasn't going to have children. This... little blip... was a damned miracle. It was still debatable on whose it was. With this type, it could be Rath's or it could be my ex-mate's. I haven't done more than kiss them and that was the mystery I was trying to solve. There was one way to find out whose magic had worked like this. It was risky, but worth a shot.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Dusk, keep this to yourself alright?"

"Why?" he wondered.

Gritting my teeth, my voice still shook, "Because I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

I met his gaze, "Hit me as hard as you can, right on my stomach."

"No!" He exclaimed loudly. The house went still. Everyone had heard him. Skotadi, Despair, Rath, and Chaos entered the room. By the look on her face, Chaos knew what was going on. She knew everything about me. We've been best friends since the old town. Although I barely had to speak for her to know. Rath immediately sat next to me, flinching when I ran the electric current over my skin. I didn't want to be touched. Despair walked the long way around to sit next to Dusk. Skotadi stayed standing, looking at him because he was the one who had been loud. 

Growling, I tried to stand. Rath pulled me back down. No matter how hard I yanked, he wouldn't let go. His grip was tight. Not tight enough to hurt me, but enough to where every move I made was a fight. I felt a blow to my lower abdomen. Doubling over with the excruciating pain, I scanned the room. My eyes were glowing. Rath seemed fine. Despair, however, was trying to hide something. I snarled at him. His magic, his kid. Dusk turned to look at him questioningly.

Rath, too busy holding me back, glowered with a heat that even I could feel. His grip loosened just enough to let me go flying forward. I pinned Despair to the floor behind the couch. My hands held his wrists above his head. My fangs grew, showing how angry I was.

"What were you thinking?!" I growled. He tried to lift his head but the way I had his shoulders wrenched prevented it. My teeth bared, "You're an idiot. Why would you do this?"

Despair's smirked irritated me further. His response was taunting, "To carry on my name, of course."

I felt an energy upstairs shift. So I got up. Noodle didn't need to be around negativity. With that thought in mind, I walked upstairs. His aura was slightly different. I looked down into his crib, smiling. When he saw me, Noodle giggled. Such a happy little baby. Had to face the fact that he was going to have a companion in about eight months. 

My abdomen throbbed slightly. Dusk had a strong arm for a marshmallow. I picked Noodle up, rocking him. As I rocked him, I made my way into the downstairs library. Skotadi and Chaos were already in there. I ignored their persistent looks and sat down in one of the La-Z-boy recliners. Every instinct in me screamed to give Noodle to Skotadi and go for a long walk. I relented to the first part. I wasn't stable enough to be holding a child. 

As I exited the library, I felt myself being push up against the wall. My gaze remained elsewhere. I didn't want to see his face. I knew it was one of the boys from the attire. They always dress in jeans and a loose fitting t-shirt around the house. I was currently in soft leggings and a tank top. His hand grabbed my chin, letting one of my hands free enough to push him away. I saw Rath's eyes and froze. Anguish was evident in his gaze. He needed to feel some semblance of control. I felt his hand pin mine back against the wall. 

"What?" My voice was almost a whine at this point. I knew that look in his eye. He was about to do something within his namesake. My abdomen throbbed. Rath was too close to something. I leaned my head forward to rest on his shoulder, "Please calm down."

He was shaking as he released my hands and wrapped his arms around me. I held him to me, trying to sooth him. His voice whisper against my neck, "It was supposed to be mine..."

"I know, just breathe," I hummed. Images flashed into my mind. Oh no. Not again. I collapsed against Rath, my own legs refused to support my weight. He lifted me bridal style and set me back inside the library. My heart was racing a thousand miles a minute. 


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