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The first thing I did when I opened my eyes was growl. No more sleeping. At least I didn't dream that time. Vincent nearly jumped off the bed. I half smiled and stretched. My joints were stiff from not moving. I crawled past him to get up. His arms snaked around my waist. I yelped, squirming to get free.

"You're mine, little angel," he said softly. I looked at him then sat directly on his lap. For the first time, I saw his cheeks slightly tinge with red. It was adorable. Getting off him, I stood on the cold hardwood bedroom floor.

Vince watched me with an amused glint in his eyes. Pshh, who does he think he is? I flipped him the bird before heading for the window. I slammed face first into an invisible force field. Elentiya laughed at me. I could even hear Vince laughing. He came up behind me, turning me around to face him. I glared at him while giving him the puppy pout.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing," I said. Or, at least, that's what I intended to say. No sound came out when I opened my mouth.

Don't panic. We're strong enough to overcome this. Elentiya assured me. If looks could kill, I would've been digging her grave already. Being obedient wasn't in my nature.

"Baby girl?" Vince repeated. Scowling, I allowed my thoughts to go back to the past few... days? How long was I out after he saved me? "Your voice might not work for a bit, little love. You were in a coma for five days."

A week?! I was asleep for almost a week!? I threw my arms up in exasperation. The TV flew across the room. Shit. Now I get to remaster my abilities. I took a chance at my power for healing. Drawing a quick, simple sigil, I summoned it from the page and pressed it against my throat. I refused to be a prisoner in my own mind. Not happening. I'll have to be dead first. I closed my eyes, hoping...waiting...

"Calypso, stop!" Vince said, pulling my hand away from my neck. I could feel my eyes glowing with magic. Dammit. He wasn't understanding. I needed to do this. Pressing my opposite hand to his forehead, I commanded him to sleep. Vince crumpled to the floor in a heap. Crap. My throat was still buzzing. Almost got it... just a few more minutes...

"Finally," Elentiya said. She took control, looking around. Her gaze landed on Vince, "Wake up."

As if shot from a cannon, our mate leapt to his feet and pinned us to the wall.

"Did you really think that was a good idea?" he asked darkly.

Elentiya smirked, "No, but it was funny watching you hop like a bunny rabbit."

"You're not Calypso," Vincent growled.

"Duh," she patted his cheek before slipping free. "I'm Elentiya."

He spun toward her again, his eyes glittering, "And why are you out?"

"Taking a look around. My calculations require some field work," she replied. Vince quirked his eyebrow but stayed quiet. Wiping a small smile, Elentiya walked around his bedroom. She did this for about fifteen minutes before heading toward the door. Vince dove in front of her, barricading the doorway with his body.

"Satisfied?" he asked quickly. His arms crossed over his chest. Elentiya became suspicious. What could he be hiding?

Let me out... I pressed.

He has yet to prove himself to me.

You're the one that insists we stay around him so much!

Fine. I felt her withdraw back into my head. Staggering forward, I grabbed onto Vince's arms to steady myself.

"Calypso?" his voice was cautious. I tilted my head at him then nodded.

"Yes," I replied. "Breathe, everything's okay."

Vince held me close to him. One minute I was okay with. As the hug progressed onto three minutes I gently pulled back. His eyes were inquisitive but I held up a finger, indicating that he had to wait a second.

"Tell me why I was out for five days," I demanded. I felt like I needed to know. My eyes changed slightly to show how serious I was.

"Each time you woke up, you would start screaming and trying to escape. That is, until I was able to get my arms around your waist. We finally decided to keep you asleep so your body could properly heal," Vince said instantly. I just realized he couldn't lie to me even if he wanted to.

"Okay, well, I'm better. And I need to go home," I told him, suddenly uncomfortable in my own skin.

"You can't leave!" he exclaimed.

I froze, "What?"

He didn't answer. The door opened behind him to show a large shadow. I backed away and looked at the window again. The field was gone. I was sure of it. Rearing back, I got ready to bolt out into the unknown. A hand on my arm tried pulling me down. I refused. All I could feel was a sense of panic that something bad was about to happen. I leapt over the windowsill and jumped.

I was hot. Too hot. It made my tummy feel funny. I pushed the blankets off me but it didn't help. Outside. I wanted to go outside. The door opened with barely a squeak. The cool air washed over my face, suddenly making me sleepy. My fingers were all tingly. I leaned against on of the trees in our yard. Pressing one hand against it to steady myself. I felt something roll through me and into the tree. The tingles stopped but when I looked up at the tree, it was glowing. I glanced back down at my hands. Powers? What? My bare feet stood in the grass below me. I felt energy in a pure form, not really knowing what it was. Grandpa yelled at me to get back inside. A storm was brewing. I didn't see any clouds. Shrugging, I slipped past him and went back to my room where everything seemed to vibrating. Some stuff was glowing, like the necklace my cousin gave me.

My eyes snapped open to view the heavens above me. Leaves and branches obscured the sun's bright rays. I was laying in some sort of bush. Shouting came from the distance and I turned my head to assess the situation. A strange girl was looking in at me. I yelped, throwing my arms up in a defensive pose. The girl giggled and grabbed my hand to pull me out of the bush.

"I find her!" she yelled toward the commotion. Immediately, all was quiet. What the Hell?

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