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(Alpha's P.O.V.)

The stranger pulled me forward gently. He may have been in Rath's body but he was not Rath. Death's presence behind me faded along with our surroundings. Suddenly, I was sitting cross-legged in a recliner chair. My instincts kicked in and I tried to stand up. The stranger pushed me back down.

"What's your name?" I growled, fighting him. The corners of his mouth turned upward in a wide grin.

"Oh, come now, you can't expect to get it that easy," he smirked, moving so I was trapped in his lap. I scowled as I shoved my elbow back into his ribs. His rancid breath blew out into my face, the mere trace of it would've sent me running to the restroom to puke if he hadn't been holding me. 

"You know me, yet I don't know you. Why don't we discuss over a cup of tea?" I asked. Finally getting free, I stood and pivoted, keeping a clawed hand ready. "Or, you could just tell me your name and purpose."

The stranger smiled, "My name is the night where shadows hide."

"Oblivion?" the disbelief was obvious in my voice. How long had he been around?

His smile turned into a Cheshire grin, "Bingo."

I attacked him, nuzzling his neck. Oblivion chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. It had been so long since he and I spent any time near each other. That was before he left us and I withdrew from Ruin so far she forgot I existed. 

"What are you even doing here? I thought you didn't like me!" I froze, realizing where exactly I was sitting.

"Now how could that even be a possibility, mate?" He nipped my ear. My mate. Rath and Ruin accepted the rejection. We weren't even allowed to speak our mind. Of course, I wasn't present and neither was he. I was melting in his embrace but I had to stay strong for Ruin. She needed me. Gritting my teeth, I pulled away from Oblivion. He frowned, "What's wrong?"

"This is wrong. He rejected her and she accepted it. You and I should not be possible..." I stated, scrambling back off him onto the floor. He seemed confused. Sighing, my eyes met his, "We accepted your rejection and now return the favor."

The sound was like glass shattering. I wasn't sure if it was in my head or not. Why was this so hard? Oblivion's eyes glazed over as the ground shook heavily. Slowly, the house came into view surrounding us once again. Despair shoved me to the ground, not realizing that I wasn't even in his way. 

Well this has been lovely... Ruin snarled. But I want my body back. 

I shook my head, knowing she could handle this better. I closed my eyes and rescinded control.

(Ruin's P.O.V.)

Crossing my arms over my chest, I took in the scene around me. Chaos, Despair, and Skotadi were all trying to wake Rath up. I wasn't paying attention to much except when Alpha started freaking out. 

"You just let that monster out without restraint?!" Skotadi snapped at me. I felt Alpha flinch and curl up at her tone. My eyes glazed over. My restraint with her had gone on for long enough. She was a danger in my house. As Skotadi continued to glare, I kept my facial expression neutral. Her efforts weren't enough to warrant a reaction from me other than my signature 'are you stupid' look. 

When she turned away, I muttered low, "The only monster here is you. Remember, you are but a mere guest that I allow. If you become a threat, that welcome will have been overstayed."

You don't have to defend me... Alpha said.

No one insults me or my kin without getting their ass chewed. I replied, crouching down and picking up my son from his perch on the floor. Twilight growled, watching Skotadi walk away. I smiled even though it was still too early for her wolf traits to develop.

"Are you okay, Uncle Rath?" she asked, climbing onto his lap next to her god brother. Risk would always be my little Noodle but he acted too mature for me to call him that in public. Twilight patted her uncle's face. Rath put on a smile and told the kids he was fine. Not saying anything, I took Shadow to the kitchen to aid me in making food. I put a small dollop of whip cream on his nose. His hearty giggle made me smile. 

A dark grey kitten mewled from outside the kitchen window. I looked to see a floating feline pawing at the glass. Opening the window, I watched the kitten float over to Shadow and sit next to one of his chubby legs. Awe. 

"Ruin!" Havoc yelled my name. I sat Shadow in his highchair and went to see what she wanted.

"Yes, sister dear?" I asked. Havoc got down from her perch on the stairway banister and pulled me off into a closet. The only place in the whole house I didn't see reason to put security around. 

"What do you think you're doing?! An unmated Alpha with pups? You need someone by your side," she reprimanded. "Preferably someone who can help out in all departments."

My cheeks heated up slightly, "The pack is perfectly fine with just me. No one would dare touch us."

"I just so happen to be going to a party tonight. You're coming. You're going to unwind and relax. Alright? No objections!" Havoc smirked before exiting the closet. I was rooted to the spot. Party... with... people?  I shuddered. No. Too much needed to be done. I couldn't just leave the house! My back slid down the back wall as I hugged my knees to my chest. There was no way.

It wouldn't be that bad. Alpha said. Maybe our mate will be there. 

She had a point, You may be right. I won't find him cooped up here, that's for sure.

So, we're going?! My wolf asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes, smirking. 

"Death! Chaos! My office, NOW!" I shouted from the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and heading up.

"Yes, Ruin?" Chaos asked with her arms crossed over her chest. Despair came in behind her, trying to hide behind Death. The latter scoffed and side stepped so all three were in my line of sight.

"Apparently, I'm going on an outing with my sister. Someone needs to hold down the fort while the other watches the kids." 

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