The Marks

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My eyes stayed on the bite I made on Despair's neck. He insisted on wearing crew neck T-shirts to show it off. Sometimes not even bothering with the material and going shirtless. I was right about the house having the whole barn at our news though. I was pregnant with child number two. Judging by how excited Despair was, I guessed it was a boy. No way to tell quite yet. 

Chaos and Rath couldn't keep their hands off each other. One second it was as if they barely knew each other. The next, apparently very familiar. It was like magnets how they moved. He shifted position, so did she. I couldn't help but wonder if Despair and I were like that. Twilight and Risk played on the living room floor quietly, alternatively throwing stuffed animals at each other.

"Warrr!" Risk yelled with an animal in each hand as he tackled Twilight. She rolled out of the way then straddled his back.

"Giddy-up!" she commanded. He grunted, carefully raising himself up on all fours. They took off into the next room. Rolling my eyes, I reclined against Despair. He and Dusk were going head to head in some sort of card game. Coins laid in the center of the table. Every now and then one of them would put their cards face down. 

"By the way, Ruin, Tala wants to talk to you with the pack in a few hours. Right after supper,"  Chaos said, her hand running down the side of Rath's face. I nodded in acknowledgement. Great. Pack meeting. What's next?

Death slammed the front door as he entered the house. Remembering the kids were closer to it, I got up and peeked around the corner. He didn't even seem to see them. They skidded away from his dragging feet. Must've been a rough day. Havoc was in the kitchen doing her thing. She was the best cook out of all of us. 

Sighing, I returned to the living room. Despair set his cards down and pulled me into his lap, nuzzling my neck. It was one of his shirtless days. For me, a simple tank top and fuzzy pants completed my bum look. I looked around the room, absently digging my nails into Despair's shoulder blades. His groan brought my attention back to him. The look in his eyes was exactly why baby number two was on the way. We faced withdrawals if we were apart for too long. The cuddle drug was the most addictive thing in this house. 

When I felt Despair's hand creep up my leg, I scooted off him, leaving my knees over his. He smirked and resumed his card game. The house was still. Only the dust continued any movement except for the occasional click of a card on the coffee table. Voices drifted in from the kitchen. Sounded like the kids were wreaking destruction once more. 

"Ruin! Skotadi!" Havoc shrieked. I ignored her, keeping my eyes on Skotadi. If she got up, then I would too. She simply met my gaze and shrugged. I smiled. Havoc needed to learn how to deal with them anyway. Two high pitched yelps sent the crying toddlers back to us, hands over their heads. She didn't... 

Twilight climbed onto my lap, black tears pouring profusely from her big eyes. I hushed and cuddled her, rocking slightly. Risk sat in Rath's lap, watching Twilight. I glared in the direction of the kitchen, not wanting to move from where I was.

"What happened?" Despair asked, looking over at Twilight.

She hiccuped, "Lala hit me and Ris!" Even she still had problems with hard consonants, we knew what she was talking about. 

"Is that true, Risk?" Rath asked. The little boy nodded, wiping his own tears away. I growled and placed Twilight in her father's lap, stalking into the kitchen. Havoc spun, holding a knife pointed out in defense.

"Did I say you could hurt my baby or my godbaby?" I asked maniacally. She tried to back away but I put my hands on either side of her with the knife point almost breaking the skin on my chest.

"N-no..." she stuttered out. I knew I was scary when pushed into the Alpha state. 

"Do you think it wise to do so without permission from a higher rank?" I growled.

She shook her head, "No, Alpha..."

"That's what I thought," I said, ripping the knife from her grip and dropping it in the sink. "Clean this up, omega."

Havoc whimpered in submission, bowing her head. Making my way to my little girl, I felt something run down my stomach. I looked down. A small stream of blood streaked against the pale skin. It seemed to stop at the one scar I carried on my abdomen. I shrugged it off, pulling my shirt back down. It'll heal in its own time. 

A clunk sounded from upstairs. Another proceeded it. What the...? I jogged up the stairs and barely ducked in time to avoid getting hit by a paper weight. The ceramic ornament shattered against the wall to my right. When I looked over the banister, I saw Dawn throwing things everywhere.

"Where is it?" She hissed to herself. 

I crept up the last couple steps. Probably should tell Dusk first but... this was happening now. I walked until I was directly behind her and tapped her shoulder. Dawn jumped a foot in the air. She spun to face me.

"Ruin?" she asked, watching my eyes. Must've changed colors again.

Either way, "Yes, Dawn. Is there something you need? Perhaps the rest of us could assist you in looking for it instead of you trashing my house." My words began to twist themselves, betraying my aggravation. She trembled, slowly moving around me and bolting down the stairs. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. What the Hell was wrong with me?

Making my way to the library, I ignored the slight withdrawal symptoms. Only when a sharp pain hit my stomach did I look down. The scar was trying to reopen. I panicked, forcing my hands to cooperate and cover it. I called for Death before passing out on the floor.

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