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(Rath's P.O.V.)

She just left without a word. When I woke up, I couldn't find her. Despair looked smug, as if he knew something. For how much I wanted to deck him... I didn't. There was something I needed instead. Ruin. I had been treating her like garbage since she left the first time. She was with Death then, maybe he would know where she was now. I dodged all questions and maneuvered my way to her favorite spot. The library. Skotadi stood between the doorway and me.

"Where do you think you're going?" she questioned, that griping tone setting my teeth on edge. It seemed I couldn't do anything in this house without her questioning me and pushing for me to tell her everything. 

I glowered at her, "I'm going to find Ruin one way another, whether you like it or not."

"What about our baby?" she snapped.

"He'll be fine, he doesn't even have a name yet," I retorted.

Her tiny frame still refused to move, "Of course he does. His name is Risk."

My gaze shied away from her, moving to go through the door. Unsuccessfully trying to grab me, Skotadi reached for my hand.

"Look, I know you love her. But I will always love you. I'm sorry I act so jerky all the time, okay? I'm willing to let bygones be bygones if you come back to me," she said. I was shaking. Did I still have strong feelings for her? Yes. But, Ruin...

"I don't think you belong together," a child's voice scolded. I jumped, looking around. Skotadi had heard it too apparently.

"Who's there?" I called out.

The child's voice giggled, "Risk! Or as I like to be called, Noodle!"

"How are you doing this?" Skotadi wondered aloud.

Risk hummed, "I was taught!"

"Risk, sweetie, who taught you this? And why do you say your father and I don't belong together?" Skotadi's voice quivered. I rolled my eyes, I had had enough weirdness to last me five lifetimes and a half. As Risk declined to answer any further questioning, a strange quiet radiated through the house. It felt so empty without Ruin here.

She had been gone for two weeks and I spent the whole time in the library, sulking. I almost didn't hear Despair come up behind me. He tapped my shoulder and I growled, grabbing his wrist, "You've got some nerve coming to talk to me."

"Bro..." he said. "Death's here to see her." My eyes widened, remembering the talk he gave me not long after she returned the last time. He's going to kill me. I felt heat behind my pupils and twisted, nailing Despair in the stomach.

"I'm not taking the fall for this. Your child, your problem," I growled low before going downstairs to greet Death like the old friend he is. He looked irritated, as if he already knew what I was about to tell him.

"Speak, Rath. I must convene with Life. Where is she?" Death demanded. Staying silent, I watched him get more aggravated. I remembered how Ruin used to talk to keep him distracted until she had time to figure out how to break something down. But I'm not as good at it as she is.

"She flew off!" I blurted, quickly covering my mouth. Color drained from his face. Shit. That meant he didn't know where she was either.

He stalked toward me, black flames emitting from his footprints in the now burned carpet, "You mean to tell me... the ONE job I gave to you... you couldn't handle?!"

"She's pregnant with Despair's child..." 

Neither I nor Death had heard Dusk walk in and of course the idiot had to say the major problem. I begun to shake... Death's irate aura and the idiocy of this house's occupants... Skotadi dragged me away from them. I needed to find Ruin and I was going to do it one way or another. Death shooed Skotadi away from me.

"I've sliced you open once, don't make me do it again," he said, brandishing his scythe. "I could use Life's weapon to find her but it would be risky considering how in tune it is with her. If she doesn't want to be found it will be near impossible to do."

I liked those odds. If Ruin's scythe ended up leading us on a wild goose chase, I could always try using the empathy link I established with her. And if that failed... Despair would be our only hope. I cringed just thinking about it. She was probably cold... lonely... and depressed. My heart seized up at the thought of her hurting herself to try to escape her depression. She told me her depression had died in the fires of our people. That was before. Now, she's mine and I'm going to take care of her. 

"What's your plan?" Despair asked, still partially doubled over. "I'm coming."

Death raised his eyebrow, "That so? You can't even walk right. Let us take care of this, infidel. I am assuming you are the reason she left?"


The scythe came out of nowhere, severing Despair's hand from his wrist. Blood spattered over the walls and I was reminded of how it looked when I had been on the receiving end of Death's anger. 

"Do not dare speak to me again. Or I will kill you where you stand. Have I made myself clear?" Death's voice took on a menacing tone. Despair scrambled away into the basement to nurse his wound. The black fire that now engulfed the living room licked at my heels. Surprisingly, it was colder than dry ice.

When I reached to touch it, Death knocked me backward onto my ass. 

"We have to find her and that child before the others do," he said hastily.

"W-what others?" I questioned. Was she in danger?  Who else would be looking for her? My mind raced as I lifted Ruin's scythe into my own hands. It must not have liked me because it reared and bucked and pulled. I hung on for the ride, knowing Death was following close behind. He replied to my question but over the whistling wind, it was hard to hear.

"The wolves."

The Grim LostTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon