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The ceremony was to be held in the Grand Hall. I fiddled with my necklace nervously. My new assistant told me that I looked beautiful, despite how badly I felt like melting into a puddle. Elentiya refused to leave me alone for any amount of time. I hadn't seen Vince yet today. That did nothing to calm my nerves. I was to be introduced as Vince's mate. I had to denounce my status as a lone wanderer. It wasn't the main issue I was facing.

My eyes were stormy silver.

It's just the gloomy weather. Elentiya volunteered as an explanation. I shook my head. The weather was never so dark that my irises mimicked it. Even the sun was shining on the horizon as it set for the night. Do you have a better answer? Take a breath and accept the look. I sighed, adjusting my midnight blue dress.

"Are you ready, miss?" my assistant asked. My gaze trailed over to her before I remembered her name. Tatiana. She was a statuesque old woman. Her kind nature took over any possible negativity thrown her way.

"Call me Calypso, please, Tatiana," I asked. After one last check in the full body mirror, I then suddenly remembered who I really was. Calypso Volkov, warrior, new queen of the vampires... I was a damn hybrid and proud of it! If I couldn't do one little coronation ceremony, then who the Hell did I think I was? I stood up straighter. So my eyes were a different color, so what?

"Miss Calypso, it's time," Tatiana said in an awed voice. I smirked; it was time to unleash the beast.

"And I shall be the one to escort you down."

I spun in my stilettos, Victor stood in the doorway wearing a tuxedo. He held out his hand for me to take. I confidently placed my hand in his as he lead me down the many stairs. First order of business once I'm queen... Install a slide. I looked around, trying to find my mate. I still couldn't see him. My heart picked up its pace as Victor lifted me up onto a podium. Maintaining an air of confidence was getting slightly harder.

"May I present to you, Vincent Shadowmere's mate! Your new queen!" Victor announced to the whole arena. Another man came up on my other side with a large book of what looked like rules.

"Do you, Calypso Volkov, pledge your true allegiance to this clan?" he asked.

"I do," I replied.

"Will you protect its members with everything in your power?"

"Yes." My back straightened up. I released my aura to show them exactly how much power I did have to defend them.

The man cleared his throat, clearly in awe, "And do you promise that everything you will do has nothing to do with your old life?"

"Of course," I said, meeting the gazes of every member in that room.

"Then I pronounce you the official queen of clan Kruic!" the man shouted.

I felt the energy of my clan flow into me. My aura rescinded back into my body after its show-and-tell excursion. I was helped off the podium and onto the floor. Vincent was still no where to be seen. Victor didn't seem concerned at all, which seemed odd. I huffed, choosing to ignore Victor's lack of caring. Maybe he was in his office. Something was majorly wrong.

Find him, Elentiya growled loudly. It accidentally left my lips. Avoiding the stares, I ran from the room as fast as my heels would allow. I was two seconds from removing the atrocities from my feet. As I turned the corner, I ran into a muscled chest. Flying backward, I caught myself on my hands and looked up; the one who had knocked me over didn't bother apologizing. What was it with all the guys in this clan?

"Baby love?" His voice found me. I scanned my immediate area, shaking. I wasn't afraid; I was more pissed than anything else. He was supposed to be there, but he wasn't. My chest constricted at the thought that maybe he hated me... Vincent lifted me to my feet, making sure I was steady before letting go and taking a step back. The cold feeling that enveloped me was unbearable. I reached for him only to have him pull away again. I froze.

I honestly missed the feel of his arms around me... I missed his soft voice and the way it could calm me down from anything. He understood me in ways I never imagined possible. He took me and my broken pieces and solved the puzzle that made up me. Tears streamed down my cheeks each time I thought about how distant he had become. My stomach panged with agony, wanting to feel the comfort only he could bring me. Swallowing my pride, I let my gaze fall to the floor.

I turned and walked down the hallway in a daze. I couldn't focus on anything. Voices chattered around me, congratulating me. I tuned it out, taking shot after shot of the strongest alcohol I could find. Elentiya blacked out from the intake. I went hard until daybreak. That's when I confronted Vincent. I had to tell him I loved him. It just needed to be said.

"You bastard! I love you and it seems like you just want me gone!" I slurred drunkenly. He raised his eyebrows suspiciously, looking up from the paperwork strewn about on his desk. I continued: "You're strong and kind. You're my king. The one I'm meant to be with. I can feel it in my gut! I'm madly in love with you! I don't know how you put up with my psycho ass but I am so glad you do!"

Tremors took over my body. Lack of balance due to alcohol had me falling to the floor. Vince just watched as I shifted into my wolf form. Let's see how you fare on your own! This queen needs some breathing room! I thought angrily towards him before stumbling my way out of his office. I passed our bedroom and kept going. There was a spare bedroom at the end of the hallway. I shifted back, feeling the breeze on my nakedness. My hands fumbled with the lock right as I threw up blood red puke. It seeped under the door into the corridor. Dammit. Looking at the large bed, I shrugged then allowed myself to collapse directly onto it. 

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