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(Ruin's P.O.V.)

Despair was still partially blind. He could see fuzzy outlines and colors. Anything other than that? Forget it. There were times I still had to share my vision with him. It had become a new favorite of his: messing with me while using my sight. I pulled him over to me for a kiss and next thing I knew my back was against the wall. 

"Couldn't stay away?" Chaos asked from the doorway.

I smirked, "Not sure, how're you and Rath doing?"

"We're good," she replied, blushing as she walked away. Despair shifted position so his front was to my back and his hands rested around my womb. 

"I can't wait to meet the little man," he whispered into my ear.

I shivered, "Oh yeah? I'm cutting you off after he's born. No more babies." 

"But..." he pouted. I shook my head and crouched with open arms to receive my daughter. Shadow kicked just as I was picking her up. Ow. It wasn't a light kick either. Little asshole was getting ready to wrestle his sister.

Twilight frowned at my stomach, patting the top of it gently. I smiled at her. She had gotten smarter. When someone hits you, wait until they're not expecting it to get them back. Despair wrapped his arms tightly around us both. Immediately, our daughter squirmed to get free. Being restrained definitely wasn't her favorite way of playing. 

"RUIN!" A thunderous voice from downstairs echoed. I walked out to the landing. Looking down, a familiar shape caught my eye. A feeling of dread filled my body. I very carefully set Twilight down next to Despair, ignoring his questions. 

"What are you doing here, Fear?" I asked shakily. "You have no place in this household."

She looked up at me, smiling wickedly. I quickly came down the stairs before she had a chance to ascend them. Fear looked me in the eye. Her gaze was penetrating.

"I'm here to take everything from you," she said. I froze, gritting my teeth. Fear laughed, "If I had known it was going to be this easy, I'd have done it sooner."

Casting my senses out, I realized the house was empty besides her and me. I chose not to say anything and watched her prance around me like a vulture. My eyes closed of their own accord. Images danced behind my eyelids of my loved ones. 

"Your mate? There's no way he loves you. Look at yourself. You're unstable and plain. Your daughter was born of a curse. Your brothers, Death and Rath? Ha, seems they've already forgotten you. Too busy for their little sister. Havoc is too distracted by trying to learn her own powers and fend off her mate. Your best friends? Tala and Chaos? Good luck with that. Why would anyone want to stick around someone who is as accident prone as you are?" Fear said. 

She continued, "Not to mention how afraid you've always been afraid to lose them. I bring you down no matter what people say. I will always tear you down when you're about to do something gutsy. Or maybe you forget, I know you better than you know yourself. The little sister you lost. The parents who were separated and didn't want you. Never knowing your true siblings so adopting people who said they'd be there to try to help take me down. You can't escape me, dearie. I'm in your mind!"

Shaking, I clenched my fists, "You're wrong..." I muttered. She raised her eyebrow. I glared at her, "You have no idea what you're talking about. My siblings and I love each other. Regardless if it's five seconds or five days spent together. My mate is the only one I could ever desire with this much adoration. And my daughter is a blessing. As is my son."

"And your so-called 'best friends?' What of them?" Fear asked.

I smirked at her, "I said my family, didn't I? Now, leave. I'm not afraid of you."

She frowned and walked out the front door. When I peeked out the window to see if she was gone, arms encircled my torso and pulled me back. I felt lips on my mark and smiled, reaching up to play with Despair's hair. 

"That was amazing, baby. You stood up to her," he said. I nodded, turning to bury my face in his collarbone. He smelled as amazing as usual. 

For now, but what happens when he leaves you again? Fear's voice broke into my thoughts. I shook my head. You think you're not afraid but it's a part of the mask you hold up to the world. 

"Shut. Up." I growled quietly. Despair looked at me, eyebrow quirked in question. Merely smiling at him, I brushed my fingers over his eyes. His eyelids fluttered shut long enough for me to kiss them. As they fluttered open, his pupils dilated. I smiled. He picked me up and spun me in the air. His vision had fully returned. I kissed him until we were both breathless. 

"You are even more beautiful than I remember," he said against my neck. I blushed, remembering Fear's words. Shuddering, I leaned into his embrace. Despair's eyes met mine in a loving stare. His dark eyes the prettiest I've ever seen in my life.  

I heard gagging noises from the stairwell. Glancing over, I saw Havoc leaning heavily against the railing. It was obvious she was hungover. A kick in my abdomen made me look down. A teeny tiny foot was pressing up against the skin. Despair lightly put his hand over it, letting Shadow know he was there. The foot moved and kicked again.

"Ouch! Little bastard!" He griped, pulling his hand away. 

I giggled, "That's just his way of say 'I love you.' Can't blame him. I mean, have you met his parents? Ghastly!"

"I know," he rolled his eyes and did his best impression of a valley gay. "They are simply monsters! Did you hear their children are born out of wedlock? Oh the wee poor things may die of shame!"

Laughter overtook me. Getting oxygen was harder than it was supposed to be. Despair helped me to a sitting position so I wouldn't fall over. We were just too good at being ourselves.

Maybe that was the big problem.

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