Green Dragons

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(Ruin's P.O.V.)

And then there was two. Twilight and Shadow got along like no other two I had ever met. He'd cry, she'd rush downstairs from playing with Risk to make sure he was okay. I was attempting the whole Alpha thing. Tala, my technical Beta, told me everyday that pack business needed to get done. I agreed with her but... I valued my sleep over much else. The house was quickly becoming the pack community building. Add-ons were built almost every week. We now had unmated wolves living within the walls. 

It was driving us crazy.

Constant howls at Skotadi, Chaos, and Havoc were heard each night. The females hung all over Rath, Dusk, and Death. The males had tried with Dawn but I put my foot down. No one under sixteen was allowed to even think about mating. Everyone knew better than to try with me or my kids and godson. None of us had seen hide nor hair of the other thing. I cringed to even think his name. I hated him. Didn't stop the stupid mate mark from burning though. I was in my newly crafted study when it started hurting again. 

A knock sounded at the ornately carved door. Clearing my throat, I called out for whoever it was to come in. In walks the one and only other Alpha within a 50 mile radius of my pack's borders. Yes, I had given in to creating this pack. But I insisted we remain at least halfly in the city. That was the easy part. The hard part was registering us with the Council. It was like they constantly had an eye on us. The kids were currently behind my desk with books on their laps. They preferred to stay with me most of the day. Twilight was pretending to read a children's book about some monkey. Shadow was pulling at a touch and feel book. It was kind of cute.

When Nightshade Shadowspell waltzed into my office, I pushed the kids under my desk. She was known for being ruthless. I also had to remember who I was. Ruin Alter, Alpha of the Lunar Sun pack. Nightshade sat down in a chair across from me and crossed her legs. I leaned back, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well?" I asked. 

She met my gaze, "I want to begin a treaty. Your pack can come onto my lands to hunt and find mates. And in return, those who want jobs in the city can find them of their own volition, free of consequence."

"Agreed. If I may, I'd like to add that both packs have monthly meet and greets. As you know, Lunar Sun has more than wolves in it. We accept all species and give them a home," I pushed the finished copy of the treaty over the desk for her to sign. Nightshade nodded and picked up an ink pen, wrote her signature, and pushed it back. I then scratched three uneven marks on the other line. Adjusting her position, she tensed her shoulders then released it. 

Her eyes flickered up, "Now to discuss your disagreement with the Green Dragon pack..."

"And why would we discuss that?" I growled.

She sighed, "Because I've found my mate there. The Alpha Ryodan Matrix thinks we should keep the packs separate. But I think otherwise. You and I entered into being allies. Which means you should probably establish at least an acquaintance treaty with him. The Solar Moon pack does not wish to have you as an enemy but choices are limited. What say you?"

"Ryodan will have to meet with me himself or accompanied by you. Whichever he decides will be more beneficial to his health." I deadpanned. 

Nightshade scowled but relented, "Fair enough."

"Things are going to get interesting..." I muttered to myself, my eye landing on my kids who had passed out. I whistled for Death. He came and picked Twilight up while I grabbed Shadow. Carrying them to their room which was now joined to mine, we laid them in bed. I looked at Death. He shook his head, knowing exactly what I was thinking. When I refused to look away, he glowered.

"You can't seriously be thinking about going on another excursion..." Death said.

I rolled my eyes, "As if anyone can stop me anymore. I have my scythe in case anything happens."

"Nothing will happen. You're not going anywhere," Rath said from behind me. Before I knew what was happening, he wrapped his arms around me and slammed me into the corridor wall. Death quickly shut the kids' door, standing with his arms crossed over his chest like some sort of bouncer.

I growled, "Get off of me, Rath. I'm not in the mood."

"Then swear you're not going to leave this house," he replied, unfazed by my attempts to get free.

My shoulders flexed back, "Not happening. Get. Off."

"Maybe later. I can do this all day. Chaos and the girls are having a movie night. Nothing with a penis allowed," Rath pulled me off the wall I then tried so desperately to cling to.

An explosion of pain at my neck caused me to let go. I couldn't tell if my eyes were opened or closed. His mark felt like molten lava against my skin. I hadn't gotten around to actually searing it off yet. Going limp in Rath's hold, I tried to focus on something in the blinding white light. 

"Her body's going into shock..."

No, it wasn't. Why weren't they just putting ice on it? I'd be fine. 

"Going to have to call him here. He'll know what to do..."

Stop. STOP! Don't call him. I was fine without him. The white light was everywhere, surrounding me in a numbing haze. My neck didn't hurt. Nothing hurt. I couldn't see and I couldn't feel anything. No sound reached my ears. Shuddering seemed like a good idea but I didn't have a body to do it in. It didn't look right. There had to be something in this empty space. Anything.

Was this the void?

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