Check the King

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(Raiden's P.O.V.)

Her eyes widened in terror. I continued to scowl at her. She pulled away from me when I was trying to comfort her. I sighed. I couldn't force her to love me. My wolf pushed himself forward shining through in my gaze. Oh no. We looked over her possessively, heeding the goddess' call. Our mate sat right in front of us, scared to come any closer. We wanted to know who hurt her so bad that she couldn't talk to us or bare to be touched.

"You are mine," I growled. Claim her. Right here, right now, he insisted. It was hard not to with that perfect little mouth of hers taunting me. She remained silent until I released her. Kris squeaked, her cheeks turning a bright red. By the way she was shaking, she was about to shift back. I did the only thing I could think of. As she crouched to get away, I pulled her to me and kissed her. Her immediate response was a panicked one. Lifting her onto my lap, I stroked her back gently. I wasn't sure if she had eaten anything recently aside from that deer. The condition of both her wolf and human forms voted on the negative side.

"I'm going to get you some more food, okay? Please don't run away," I begged. If she ran off, I don't know what I'd do. I wanted to take care of her but this wouldn't work if she wasn't willing. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders before I could blink. "You want to come with me?" Her head moved up and down in a nod. I shrugged and stood, adjusting her so she clung to my back instead of my front.

When we left my hut, a few of my friends were waiting outside.

"Who's that?" Daryth asked.

"Got yourself a new play thing, Raiden?" Rodrick called. I spun on him, lifting him into the air with one hand.

"Don't you ever refer to my mate like that ever again. Do you hear me?" I snarled. He nodded quickly. I let him drop.

"Calm, beta. It's not the end of the world," Daryth held up his hand. One look at his eyes told me he was stoned off his hind end. He's the pack peace-keeper. If fights break out it's up to him to break them up.

"Her name is Kris. We're heading to the Main Hall to raid the kitchen," I told him and continued walking. During the entire encounter, she kept her head tucked in my shoulder. I tried to keep from smiling. It didn't work. I pushed open the double doors as I made my way to the overly large kitchen reserved for when we have guests. Kris still didn't move when I backed against a counter to put her down. Gently prying her arms apart, I turned around. She looked at me sleepily. I could've cooed but the squint told me to try and she'd slap me.

"Wake up, princess. It's time for food and I don't know what you like," I said softly. Kris glared at me. She stood up on the counter, her small frame barely hitting the top of the cupboard. I watched her, ready to catch her if she fell. Kris kept glancing back at me as if waiting to be reprimanded. We didn't have a rule against it so I simply smiled and hoped it was enough. Her legs bent as she jumped. I dived to catch her in my arms. She squeaked and raised her eyes to look behind me.

"Who is this?" the alpha demanded in his superior tone. I went to stand up but my wolf reminded me of who I had in my grasp. Rather than lift her as I stood, I set her upright against the cabinets and faced him.

"Alpha Brent, this is my mate," I replied to his question, making sure to block her from his view. He raised his eyebrow and shoved me aside.

"Kristiana Williamson. Your pack has been worried sick. I just got the news," he said. Kristiana? Oh. Kris must be a nickname. She started to tremble, scooting away from the alpha and myself. I reached for her. Suddenly, she screamed. Brent's hand shot out and smacked her. I grabbed his shoulder and wrenched him away. Her silence was heartbreaking. Why wouldn't she just talk and tell us what happened? My wolf growled at the thought. That didn't matter. She was ours now.

"Alpha, I don't believe she wants to go back to them," I stated coldly.

Brent's eyes widened in shock, "You dare speak to me like that? Her family is freaking out and her betrothed is waiting for her."

"She's mine." I growled, kneeling down to look Kris in the eye. "I, Raiden King, accept you as my mate."

Kris crossed her fingers over her chest then pointed at me. A warm glow radiated down my spine. Her wolf's voice made its way into the forefront of my mind.

We can't go back there. She exclaimed. I winced. That was loud.

"You wish to start a war with her pack?" Brent threatened.

I quirked an eyebrow, "No, but she can't leave. I am her true mate." As he and I had our stare off, I felt as Kris moved away from us to hide. I almost smiled. When Brent went to follow her, I respectfully placed my hand on his shoulder. "If you must insist upon it, then I will go with her."

"Good boy," he shook me off. "Then take her and get ready to go, a van will be arriving shortly."

Grabbing a sleeve of crackers, I knelt down to peer under the table at her hiding place. I didn't understand why she was broken. Maybe that kiss had been rushing things. It was alright though. I could be patient. I'd wait until she was ready. Kris reached for the crackers but I snatched her wrist, pulling as gently as possible with her fighting against me. When she was fully out, I handed her the crackers and repositioned her onto my back.

"It's okay, hun. He's gone. I'll make sure you never get hurt again," I swore. Kris hiccupped. Her hold was weaker than before. She had her arms around my shoulders with her hands locked just under my chin. Without thinking, I lightly pressed my lips to them. As if an ejector button had been pushed, she sprung away and fell backward. I twisted my torso, keeping a hold of her legs so she wouldn't land hard on the ground. She pulled against my grip, her hands flat on the earth underneath us. I carefully let go and she flipped to land on her feet. The smile on her face was paired with heavy breathing. Kris saw that I was looking and dropped it, closing back up into herself. I grinned softly, reaching for her hand. The crackers were tucked against her torso with a sash that had clearly been makeshift from the bottom of her dress.

"Let's see if we can't find you some decent clothes, okay?" I asked her. She looked down at herself, frowning then shrugged. I took that as an affirmation. Maybe my sister had some extra clothes. They'd be a bit baggy but that's okay.

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