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I rushed through my breakfast of four chocolate chip waffles with butter and syrup. I was anxious to escape the house before he noticed. I had woken up a few hours after he laid me down. The effect he had on my body was... addictive. That had to end. I heard shuffling upstairs and all but threw my plate into the dishwasher. Estimated time left to escape: five minutes.

Angel was waiting outside in her car. I dived in through the window. The past few days she had become my confidant. Since Vince liked to keep me locked up, she formulated a plan to spring me. Looking back at the house, I saw him standing on the porch in nothing but shorts. I bit my lip as I waved.

"Hit the gas!" I exclaimed excitedly. She obligingly granted me the request. He disappeared in the distance before I relaxed, ignoring the hole in my chest.

"What was all that about? Why does he keep you locked up?" Angel asked.

"He thinks I need to be protected from something. Won't tell me what, though," I trailed off, staring out the window at the scenery going by.

You are going to be in so much trouble when you get back.

I jumped, yelping. What the Hell? Angel almost swerved the car haphazardly into a ditch as she looked over at me. Her eyes were wide. Shaking my head as I fastened my seatbelt, I reached out and poked at the voice. I was wondering who the Hell thought it was okay to pry into my private thoughts.

Hardly private, your face gives away your thoughts all the time.

That was a lie. I was great at poker. I had RBFS. Resting Bitch Face Syndrome.

Except when you're around our mate.

Shut up, I growled at the voice.


I turned to look at Angel, quirking an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"I've been trying to talk to you for the last five minutes. What's going on?" she asked. We had stopped in a McDonald's drive thru.

My face heated up, "Th-there's a voice in my head. That's never happened before. I was arguing with it."

"Her," she corrected me.

Say what? "Her who?"

"Your other half; and I mean this literally. She's the side of you that allows you to shift. She must've been hidden away..." Angel kept talking but I couldn't hear her.

I have a name, ya know...

Then what is it?


Spirit that cannot be broken... That made sense. I cleared my throat to interrupt Angel.

"She said her name is Elentiya," I said sheepishly. What a time to get my other half. She was kind of bitchy.

Tell her to get chicken nuggets. I'm STARVING.

Oh. Same. "Also, can we get some food?"

"Yeah, what do you want?" Angel pulled up to the intercom, rolling down her window.

I contemplated the menu for nuggets, "Number six with a chocolate milkshake please!"

"Alright." She relayed my order and got the same. I began a little dance in my seat. I loved food. The rest of the ride through the line consisted of us trying to find a station without so much talking. What was with radio people these days? No one wants to hear the same ad twenty times in an hour.

When we got our greasy food, then it was the struggle to find a good place to sit and eat. I finally commented on the clear day and suggested a park. The one we chose had tons of long, green, fluffy grass. It was nice to get out of the house for once. Our food vanished quickly. Laying our sweatshirts on top of the bag so it wouldn't fly in the wind, we decided to watch the clouds.

"So." My friend turned onto her side to look at me.

"So?" I replied, mimicking her stance.

"Why are you fighting your instincts for Vince?" Angel asked lightly. I debated answering her or not. After a few mental nudges from Elentiya, I gave in.

"I'm afraid if I get attached to him then something bad will happen, like it usually does," I said quietly. She was silent for over five minutes. I sighed, "I want to let him in but what if he leaves?"


I stayed quieter than a corpse. My horrific past was best where it was. In the past. Maybe if I could control the episodes I'd be better. But I couldn't. So I wasn't. Angel went off to use the restroom so I went back to looking at the sky.

"Calypso Volkov?" a deep voice inquired above me. My eyes found the source. It was a tall, lanky man. He covered my mouth with his hand and laid a cloth over the rest of my face. I growled, allowing my powers to roll into effect. A rather large energy burst emanated from my charm necklace. The man was knocked off his feet. I tried to stand but stumbled back into another's arms.

What was on that cloth? My vision started to go fuzzy around the edges. Even the man's figure became blurry. At least, up until he wrenched my chin to look into his eyes. His breath stunk of beer. Blood leaked through his nose. So I got him at least a little... that's good...

"You put up a fight, little bitch. Let's see if we can't beat that out of you," he said, releasing his hold on my chin. His lips came into contact with mine. I did the only thing I thought of. I bit a hole in his lower lip. He pulled away. The slap rang out, leaving me deaf in one ear. I could no longer see. No longer move. I was a prisoner in my own body.

Now you know how it feels... Elentiya said drowsily. I mentally reached for her. But I was slipping as she got further away.

I wandered around my room. It was the middle of the night and I was starving. Grandpa didn't feel like cooking so I had a few crackers instead. I tried reading but my tummy started to cramp. It was then that Mommy walked in. She was wondering why I was still up. When I told her, she got really mad and began to yell. I was in trouble. He had been asleep but not anymore. My tummy turned again. They were arguing. I puked all over my baby blanky. I can't sleep without it. They turned to look at me but I was crying. I hated puking. It made them glare at me.

A hard blow to my ribs woke me up. My kidnappers had tied me to an operating table. Wait... was I in a hospital gown?! Who undressed me? I looked around. Retro. Their torture tools of choice lay out off to my left. The dude who had hit my ribs forced me to look at him.

"So, love dove, are you ready to be mine?" He asked. I eyed him warily. I turned inward, trying to feel for Elentiya but there was nothing. It felt like a gaping hole in my chest.

"Go to Hell," I spat and pulled against the restraints. All I wanted, was to go home and cuddle with my cat. Shit, I'd take Vince over this creepy dude.

"Wrong answer," he smirked, grabbing my leg in his hand. I stiffened at the contact. No... don't touch me... I tried to yell it but he had his hand over my mouth again. My eyes widened as he picked up a vise and locked my leg into it. What was he....


I screamed into the man's hand. He shushed me gently.

"Now, now, my dear, wouldn't want to disturb the neighbors," he chuckled under his breath. Like this was normal. I whimpered. If my leg wasn't set properly before it healed... Crap.

I fought back tears. I didn't cry in front of people. Wasn't going to happen. The man brought out the cloth he had used before and pressed it against both my nose and mouth this time.

"My name is Kerrick, little one," he said and he softly kissed my forehead.

I had almost faded out completely before catching one the last thing he said...

"But you will soon be calling me master."

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