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(Kristiana's P.O.V.)

The woman tending to Raiden and I wasn't very old. Every time she came near me I scooted away, insisting his wounds get checked first. She told me her name was Havoc. I just observed her. Raiden was unconscious on his bed. I didn't think they'd beat him along with me... At least, I had hoped they wouldn't. It was just made worse because he fought back instead of letting them tire themselves out like I did. Sighing, I hugged my knees to my chest. I was exhausted.

"Honey, I'm going to need you to tell me as much as you can. If you can't say it, could you write it here?" Havoc asked gently, pushing a clipboard in front of me. I picked it up gingerly, scribbling that my name was Kris and my story. She pursed her lips as she read over my shoulder. I was shaking before I was done. Havoc took the clipboard from my grasp and wrapped her arms around me. Her touch was soft and gentle. I found myself leaning into it as my arms weakly returned the hug. Raiden coughed, causing me to rip away from her to sit on his bed. Havoc didn't stop me, simply writing something down in a box.

"W...What's going on?" My mate asked. We made it to Lunar Sun. You're safe now. I told him. He nodded stiffly, his open eyes trailing to look at Havoc. Don't worry, she's nice. Raiden let out the breath he'd been holding so I motioned for Havoc to come check on him.

"Judging by your little mate's protectiveness and the lack of details she provided, I'm going to guess you two are on the run," she said. I nodded, suddenly not liking her close proximity. Apparently she caught on and backed up. "You two are free to roam the house but don't go outside. Not everyone in this pack is as kind as its alpha. If you hurry, you can make supper."

"Who's the alpha?" Raiden inquired. I shrugged. I assumed it was the man behind the desk in the office we had been dragged to when we first got here.

"That would be my younger sister, Ruin. She's a brute when need be but otherwise she's quite decent," Havoc said. She wandered away from us, scribbling notes on her paper as she muttered to herself. I tugged Raiden's hand, wanting him to sit up. He smirked before pulling me on top of him so my legs straddled his waist and my chest was pressing against his. Raiden sat up, nuzzling his nose into my hair.

My mate. My wolf said.

His wolf chuckled, Yours, little one.

My stomach rumbled. We hadn't eaten since we left his mom's house four days ago. It was hard to walk away from the nicest woman I've ever met... Even more so for Raiden because it was his mother. But she was kind to me. I squirmed to get off of his lap, tugging him along with me on my journey to the floor.

"Are you hungry or something?" he asked. I nodded right before we landed on the polished hardwood floor. We landed a few feet apart. I stood up quickly, smiling widely. As he began to crawl after me for vengeance, I bolted out the door. I passed a bathroom, a few spare bedrooms, and... Gasping excitedly, I redirected myself into the library to browse the large collection of books. A girl with electric blue colored hair grasped my hand when I reached for one. My chest constricted tightly, impairing my breathing.

"Hey, hey, hey," the girl said soothingly in a hushed voice. "It's okay. You're going to need a library card first, miss."

I nodded, still struggling to take in a deep breath. She rubbed my back softly. Gradually, I began to be able to breathe normally. The girl led me over to a short desk and sifted through some papers. My eyes continued to wander, trying to count how many shelves I could see. Once I reached fifty-eight, I needed to stop. This room looked like it went on for ages! Raiden must've gone downstairs for food... Maybe I should too...

"My name's Tala, by the way," the girl introduced herself. Tala handed me a small, white, plastic card. "You'll need to sign your name on the back. Your picture will appear in a corner on the front as soon as you do."

Magic? I wasn't aware my jaw had dropped until Tala gently pushed it shut. Blood rushed to my cheeks. Oops. Oh, well. I picked up a fountain pen out of a tin can decorated with a child's scribbles and very carefully wrote my full name on the dotted line. A smile forced its way onto my face as I turned to gaze upon the magnificence of all the bound paper I could spend hours delving into. Unfortunately, my stomach began to cramp up. Tala noticed.

"Do you know where the dining hall is?" she asked. I shook my head. Sighing, she hooked her arm through my own. "Here, I'll show you. Just have to follow your nose."

We made our way down two flights of stairs before coming into an overly large room. A long table was placed in the center surrounded by chairs. A light blue table cloth covered the table that never seemed to end. Tala lightly pushed me into a nearby chair, taking the seat next to me. My butt bounced slightly on the cushion. Food littered the center of our corner of the table. Everyone else had lined up the other side. The nearest person was about four chairs down so reasonable space was easily acquired.

"You have to try to turkey. It is so good," Tala said.

I reached for a few fruits and put them on my plate. Before I could actually eat them, my new friend dropped a small turkey leg into the extra room. My wolf yipped excitedly, making me grab the cooked meat and devour it. As I set down the clean leg, I glanced up to see Tala staring at me. I immediately withdrew, going back to nibbling on an apple. She seemed to shake herself out of it.

"You sure seem hungry. Are you new?" she inquired curiously as she set out to eat her own food. I nodded, unused to so many questions. My heart was fluttering but strangely, I didn't feel as though she would hurt me. We finished our meal in silence. As I stood up to take my plate to the kitchen, Raiden hurled at me out of nowhere.

"Are you okay?! I thought I lost you!" he exclaimed, wrapping me in a bear hug. I moved away from him to look him in the eyes. I'm okay. I made a new friend and found a library! I told him before following Tala to the kitchen.

She glanced back at me, "Is that your mate?" I blushed, once again nodding my head. "I could tell. Wish I could find mine."

My eyes widened. She seemed so upbeat... maybe hiding true pain? Oh. Right... I diverted my gaze as Raiden's wolf called out to me in a growl, Get back over here. He was being overprotective. I smiled apologetically at Tala and made my way back over to my mate. He picked me up, allowing me to be his little backpack. Raiden hiked up the stairs with me on his back. I didn't really know where we were going. I liked the polished wood this house had. It was so smooth and shiny.

"Um... Miss Alter? Ruin?" Raiden called out, peeking his head around a doorway corner.

"Come in, Raiden." She replied, sounding distracted. "And call me either Alpha or Ruin. I prefer the latter though. What is it you need?"

When we went into the room, I saw Ruin had her head bent over a file on her desk. I was having a hard time seeing even the large print from his distance. Then again, I was partially blind. I've never had glasses. I knew I needed them. My old pack would've just broken them over and over again. I shuddered as I remembered them.

"Living arrangements if you don't mind..." Raiden said slowly, sensing the tension behind her words.

Ruin looked up at us, "There's a spare bedroom down the hall three doors from the window. Is she going to be okay?"

It was clear she was talking about me. I was the only other female in the room. I hid my face in Raiden's shoulder.

"She's okay. It's just been a long couple days. New people, places, etc." He said quietly. My ears were ringing heavily. Too loud. I kept my head down.

"Ah," Ruin replied, just as quiet. "Then I bid you both good night. Come back in the morning for your chore assignments. No one gets a free ride while their here. Even the kids have to help out."

Raiden agreed, making his way toward what was to become our new bedroom. He kissed my forehead, slowly lowering me down onto the memory foam mattress. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

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