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I was shaking. Three days I was trapped in this hellhole. The pathetic loser thought I was going to call him master. That much was funny. But I also hadn't eaten the entire time. My body was beginning to consume itself while he attempted, and failed, to get me to submit. Even though I partially hated it, I missed Vince. Every time Kerrick touched me, I tried to pretend I wasn't there.

"You worthless bitch!" he shouted at me for the umpteenth since his sorry carcass brought me down here. I was drenched in sweat and glaring at him. Something in me was fighting to get free and show this loser what I was made off. Unfortunately, the shackles he had around my wrists blocked any and all magical flow. I wanted to tell him I wasn't a mirror. That he'd have to try harder to break me. I tried too, but he kept trying to force the dominance issue. Elentiya wasn't talking to me. I couldn't feel her. It felt like a gaping hole.

"Fine. If you won't give yourself to me willingly, I'll do it the old fashioned way," he said before smashing his lips to mine. I clamped my mouth shut but that just warranted him digging his fingers into my broken leg. Suddenly, his hand crept upwards and I screamed. I hated his hands on me. I hated being away from home. Kerrick used the opportunity to shove his tongue down my throat. I thought feverishly that I wanted him away from me. I fought back tears again. Don't cry. I needed to be strong.

The door flew off its hinges, slamming into the wall on the opposite side of the room.

Kerrick sighed, "I'll be back soon, my dear."

"That's what you think," said a strong voice. Immediately, I calmed down. I looked up at him. Vince shoved Kerrick back.

"She's my little whore now. You won't want her," the latter said with a shit-eating grin on his face. Vince's eyes turned a glittery gold color at his words. It was like watching from someone else's point of view as I felt Elentiya try to share my sight. She was weak, barely clinging onto life.

What happened?

Drugs... dulled my presence. She sputtered, trying to focus on our mate.

Vince's hands clenched and came into contact with Kerrick's face, then his ribs, stomach, and finally below the belt. As Kerrick met my eyes, he laughed. Repeated blows rained down on his body. Soon the floor was covered in blood. It was hard to tell which parts of him weren't broken when Vince lifted him by the collar and brought his face up.

"Listen here, you filthy mongrel piece of shit, Calypso is MY mate. Not yours. She will never be yours. She belongs to me, and you belong in a grave beneath an active volcano," Vince said before latching his teeth into Kerrick's jugular. All I saw was the jagged hole as Vince spit out a rather large chunk of skin. He had literally just ripped a man's throat out with no hesitation. For me. I almost whimpered with relief when Vince came over and unchained me, holding me close to his chest.

"I'm here, little love. You're safe now. I've got you," he murmured soothingly to me. I saw his jaw clench at the weight I had lost. It was just a few days. But to him, it was noticeable.

"It's not—..." I tried to speak but he silenced me.

"Not right now, my little angel. We can fix this and make it better. Would you like that?" he asked in almost a babyish tone. I nodded, nuzzling his collarbone. I was too weak to lift any of my limbs. I felt like a limp rag doll. Vince pressed a kiss to my forehead. His warmth paired with the security I normally felt around him lulled me into a deep sleep.

I sat across the floor from my little brother. We had been put in a foster home. He got to stay there. I didn't. The CPS worker said I had to go home. Not understanding, I went into the bedroom I shared with my brother. All my stuff was packed in a big box. Not seeing my blankie where I always kept it on my bed, I freaked out and tore into the box. Loud. It was too loud. There was too much yelling. They called me stupid. My brother looked up at his new mommy. The CPS worker picked me up and asked them to send the big box to my new home. I cried, not understanding why I had to leave.

A slight crushing pressure against my lungs made me wake up. My kitty was sitting on my chest. I shoved him off and sat up. Vince's head shot up to look at me. I just watched as he got up off his chair and sat on the edge of the bed. I wasn't at home. Did they allow pets in hospitals? Something wasn't quite right. It seemed like Vince hadn't sleep in a while. His eyes were bloodshot.

"Calypso?" he asked quietly. It wasn't a real question but I met his gaze to let him know I was listening. His sigh was audible, "Do you know where you are?"

It all came rushing back. Kerrick. The ways he tried to use me. His... hands all over my body. I began to choke on air. I couldn't puke in front of him. He'd leave. The thought made the gagging worse. Alone. I was going to be alone. Vince held up a garbage can just in time. My body convulsed, forcing my body to dispel large amounts of stomach acid. Once the convulsions had stopped, I realized that I was then covered in a thin sheen of cold sweat. Dammit.

"Calm down, baby," he said, pulling me into his side. I didn't resist. His arms were gentle and comforting. "I brought you back to my lands. It was considerably closer than bringing you all the way across the country. Your cat showed up here a day after we got here."

I reached for my kitty, making grabby hands. Vince rubbed my back before catching the feline felon, lifting the fur-ball into my lap. I sighed. Instantly, my kitty purred and curled up against me. He always seemed to know when I wasn't feeling good.

"Little love? Can you say something? Anything?" Vincent asked me. I attempted to articulate letters into words by focusing on the wall. After about five minutes, my head was pounding. Like it was stuffed with lead weights. I leaned heavily against Vince. Elentiya told me to get up. Her whine was piercing. My body felt like gelatin.

"Calypso?!" Vince tapped my cheek. My eyes lazily trailed up to look at him. His face was contorted with worry and concern. I wanted to frown. He was pretty, he shouldn't be worried. I was okay.

No, you're not. Elentiya said. She sounded like she was clenching her jaw. On the ceiling above Vince's head was sunlight dancing with shadows. I was just... so tired. 

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