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(Death's P.O.V.)

I sensed his presence. The Wanderer was in the house. My scythe appeared in my hands. Twilight looked up at me, reaching for it. I picked her up, allowing her to hold the handle of the weapon. Risk waddled his way out of the dining room. I stalked to where the presence felt the strongest. 

The library.

When I got there, I saw Ruin with two different colored eyes. Despair turned his body and I saw why it was so. She was sharing her sight with him. Which meant he was parasitically blinded because his eyes retained their color. I ushered Twilight back out the door, taking my scythe back from her. She pouted but went to Havoc's room. 

"Explain." I said sharply. Ruin positioned herself so she was leaning forward off Despair's shoulders. 

"He came in, taunted us, then threw powder at him and vanished," she said, putting her chin on his head. "Death, there has to be something you can do about him. I don't want to lose Shadow too."

"You won't lose another kid as long as I'm around," I told her. Despair stood up, holding Ruin's arms around him and lifting her up. She yelped and wrapped her legs around his torso. Rolling my eyes, I walked out. I followed his trail. It led directly to Havoc's room.

Anxious, I hurried in there to see the Wanderer holding Twilight on his lap. She didn't seem hurt... yet...

"What are you doing here, Wanderer?" I asked.

He looked at me over the top of his sunglasses, "You haven't guessed? You can only see me because I want you to."

"If you're here for the kids, step away now," I pointed my scythe at him, my cloak of black mist surrounding me and filling the room. Twilight jumped off the Wanderer's lap and ran to me, hiding behind my legs. She stuck her middle finger out at him. Holding back a laugh, I put my hand over hers, "No."

"Oh, please, I'm here because the Fates have been watching you all. The pack, all your little friends, even the sweet old couple next door. Sad they were my assignment last night," Wanderer smirked. "If you could guess my name, I'd have no chance but to obey. But, since that'll never happen, I wish you luck."

He snapped his fingers, disappearing in a storm of dust. I shielded Twilight from it and waved my scythe, cleaning up the mess. She buried her face in the crook of my neck, where I should've been marked by a mate years ago. I'd never found one though. At this point I didn't mind if it were a male or female.

I took Twilight into the kitchen where Havoc was enjoying a tall brandy. She spotted me and pushed another toward me. Raising it in thanks, I resumed my journey to the family room. Twilight climbed down my towering stature and sat on my feet. Smiling, I shook her off. Walking back into the kitchen with my brandy, I sat next to Havoc.

"Here's to mates!" I said sarcastically. 

She rolled her eyes, "And may we find those who won't treat us terribly!"

"I agree, Marcosias is no picnic. I used to oversee his training, thought he was an upstanding gentleman," I replied before downing half of my glass. "Although that was before the war. He had the potential to be great..."

"I thought he was really sweet at first. Just the right combination of protective and possessive," Havoc swirled the last few drops in the bottom of her glass, seeming to think she'd had enough. I took the brandy from her and set it on the counter. She just watched me dejectedly. 

I pulled her into my arms and hauled her up the stairs as it was clear she was too drunk to make it herself. When she drunkenly began to nuzzle my neck, I stiffened. No. Moving so I was only supporting her lower back, I finished escorting her to her bed. Havoc crashed into it, welcoming the comfort I refused to provide while she was incoherent and unaware of her actions. 

I passed by Ruin's room, watching Despair as he curled around her protectively. She deserved the stability he provided for her. She was already out cold. The pack meeting had been canceled due to her condition. Tala was furious. As her older brother, I told her off. The Alpha of a pack always came first. 

Despair held a finger to his lips, meaning he wanted to discuss something with me later. Waving him off, I made my way to my domain: the basement. Ruin had allowed me to take it over as everyone else preferred the vantage point of upstairs. For a while I had Despair lurking down here. It was a bit hard being a buffer between her and everyone else when she was severely aggravated. 

Loud noises sounded on the ground floor above me. If it persisted, I'd go. If not, I'd stay. After a minute, they stopped. Huh. Kids must've been messing around. I looked through my reaping list, hoping I wouldn't see the Matron and Patron's names. They were a lovely couple. It would be a shame to have to reap them. Not to mention, Ruin would most likely kill me. 

I gasped, they were there. Right next to each other. I looked up, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Sometimes, I hated my job. There was no other option. I could either attempt the forbidden but not impossible. Or I could shut up and do my job. It was a hard decision. There were ways to... mend... what the Wanderer had done. But I wasn't so sure I was ready to face the consequences. 

I opened my eyes, sighing. Perhaps it wasn't yet time for the forbidden to mend things. If I told her while she was in a good mood, she'd kill us all except Twilight and Shadow. Her children. I grimaced. I may have been Death. But she was Ruin. 

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