His Hope

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(Ruin's P.O.V.)

I couldn't remember jack squat from the night before. Only some screwed up dream where apparently Despair came to my rescue. I shuddered. As if he'd ever do that. I was nothing to him, merely his baby mama. Rolling over in my bed, I saw a glass of orange juice and some pain medication on the nightstand. I wasn't really in the mood for either. I couldn't get the pit out of my stomach. 

The kids ran down the hallway, tripping and falling over each other. They laughed. As I attempted to stretch out in my bed, I felt a body next to me. Flinching, I scooted off the bed and landed hard on the floor. 

"Ruin? You okay?" Despair's voice reached my ears. No. No no no. Why was he here? Maybe if I play it off he'll explain why he's in my bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

He looked over the edge of the mattress to lock my eyes in his gaze. The moment I saw his eyes it was game over. A game I knew I was about to lose. He was the one person who could do anything and I'd accept it. Despair reached for my hand to help me back up on to the bed. Tentatively accepting it, I allowed him to pull me up. His movements were slow, gentle. My cheeks heated up. He was treating me like a kicked puppy.

Alpha whined, I don't like this. He's too close. His scent is driving me crazy.

Then what am I supposed to do? I asked her. She didn't answer. Alpha said Despair wasn't our true mate. Then why did he feel so right?

"Are you sure you're okay, baby girl?" He asked. I put on a tired smile and nodded. I felt his arms behind me as he grew closer, leaning in for a kiss. He was so near and the temptation...

"AUNTIE!!" Risk yelled from the now open doorway.

I looked over, "Yes, Noodle?"

"Mommy and Daddy are fighting. Twila and Shadow are trapped!" My godson said in a jumbled hurry. I leapt from the bed, aware that I was just in short shorts and an over-sized T-shirt. Not caring, I followed Risk's speeding form down the stairs out to the backyard. My children were in their playhouse but Rath and Skotadi were in between them and the house. 

I growled lowly in the back of my throat, "Enough!" My eyes were glowing, I felt it. They were a threat to my babies. They had to leave. "Anyone want to tell me what you two are doing out here?!"

"She started it!" Rath immediately pointed his finger at Skotadi. 

"Because that's the right way to raise our son?!" she shrieked. 

Keeping my cringe on the inside, "Explain before you both spend the night in the shed."

"He's trying to take my little boy away from me!" Skotadi said defiantly. I sighed. Custody case. 

Rath retaliated, "Because you're an unstable child! I don't know why I ever was mated to you! You're such a spoiled little brat it's a miracle nobody's stabbed you yet. How the Hell you manage to survive in this pack, I'll never fucking know!"

Skotadi's knees buckled underneath her. I watched as she crumbled to the ground. How had they not fully rejected each other yet? I turned my glare to Rath who turned deathly pale.

"That language is not appreciated here, Rath. When are you two going to properly reject each other so the pain ends? This is ridiciulous. I want both of you out of my house by the end of the week. Take Chaos and Dusk as well," I refrained from snarling. "Risk shall stay here where he will be cared for and under constant watch. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Alpha," they said, bowing their heads as they trudged inside. I opened my arms and picked up Twilight and Shadow. My babies were shaking. I hushed them, making a rocking motion as I carried them inside with Risk hot on my heels. Placing them in the make shift playroom/den, I told them to stay there. 

"Why is your name Alpha?" Noodle asked.

I sighed, "Because I'm the strongest, that makes me the boss."

"Except when I'm around," Despair said, coming up and wrapping his arms around me from behind. Okay, so last night wasn't a dream. But this was a total 180. First he told me he wasn't happy but then he began acting like a lovesick pup. 

"Despair, stop." The words flew from my mouth before I thought it through. He immediately stepped away. 

I wasn't sure how much more stress and breaking my heart could take. He seemed to be telling the truth but he was also skilled with his silver tongue. I don't think he understood that despite the fact that I loved every part of him, I was going to be hesitant with trusting him again. He and I had some communication that needed doing. Until he wanted to seriously talk, he could sleep on a couch. 

Despair went to play with the kids while I went to my office. There was someone there waiting for me. Why, if it wasn't Satan himself. Or, rather, close enough. Marcosias Daw sat in front of my desk looking very smug. I followed the wall to my swivel chair and placed my folded hands on my desk.

"Can I help you, Marco?" I asked. His eyes narrowed. Good, now we were on even ground. 

"Actually, Life, you can. There is a war coming for you. But if you give me my mate I can guarantee you will be overlooked," he replied. I glared at him. Was that a threat?

"Sad, I was just about to say the same," I said with a mock pout as my finger hovered over the panic button I kept installed on the underside of my desk. His head tilted curiously. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

I pressed the button.

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