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(Calypso's P.O.V.)

Victor and his harlot were staying in the territory for the next few days. I was going to kill her if she didn't learn to keep her hands to herself. Then again... I clung to Vincent whenever possible. So her chances were minimal. I was not jealous. I was possessive. He thought I was being ridiculous after reassuring me several times that he felt nothing toward her except for disgust.

"Little baby love," he cooed. I glanced over at him, my gaze softening. His hand lightly cupped my chin. I hadn't known I was glaring but somehow, he made everything better.

"Sorry..." I murmured. Vince chuckled as he pulled me into his grasp. It was my favorite place to curl up. Yet... "I want to go home and see my godson."

He froze in place, "You... want to leave me?"

"No! I just want to visit them and maybe pick up a few of my clothes. Please?" I pleaded. Vincent buried his face in my hair, muttering something. I moved my hair to the side, "What?"

"Fine. I'll give you a week to get your affairs in order. But then you'll be my queen and you will not leave. Am I clear?" He said. His tone was aggravated. Running the coven was hard work and keeping track of me was even harder.

"Thank you!!!" I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. Vincent was slow to respond. Was he seriously going to leave me hanging when we haven't marked each other yet? I whined, moving so I was straddling him.

"Keep this up and you won't be going at all," Vince said. His hands ran along my thighs. Bringing me closer to him, he kissed down my neck. I gasped as I felt his fangs pierce my skin. Waves of pleasure radiated down my spine. He pulled back, kissing the newly made mark. I felt this unbearable smile spread across my face.

Mark him. NOW! Elentiya growled. My canines pushed forward as I attacked his neck much he did mine. I felt his nails scratch down my back before I bit him. His blood flowed freely into my mouth. I wiped my mouth and cleaned the mark.

"Mine." Elentiya and I both growled.

"Yours, my love," Vincent said dreamily. My hands rounded through his hair to rest on either side of his face. A feeling of pure bliss surrounded us. Perfect.

I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that. It didn't seem like long before the sun rose. I had to leave soon. Packing the essentials in a backpack, I blew Vince a kiss and swan dived out the window. I called on Elentiya to shift and landed on all fours. My bones cracked, snapping into place. I looked down at my paws. They were white up until my leg joints. Otherwise I was midnight black. It looked like I was wearing socks.

Hush. Elentiya snapped. I rolled my eyes then took off running faster than I had in my entire life. The rough ground beneath me felt softer than a bed. I knew I had a long run so I pushed myself harder. It was noon by the time I reached my back lawn. Collapsing on the back porch, I stared at the trees. The wind rustled the leaves gently, as if afraid they'd fall off completely.

"Calypso?!" Someone exclaimed loudly a few feet from my ears. How'd they know? I lifted my snout to face Lilith. She had Robin on her hip. He saw me and squirmed to get away from his mother. I chuffed in response. Robin wrapped his tiny arms around my neck, burrowing his face into my fur. I smiled a toothy, wolf grin.

"Shift, please," I heard Drake ask. I looked at him, careful not to knock my godchild over. I needed clothes to shift, dumbass. Besides, Robin was climbing onto my back, nestling into the space between my shoulder blades.

Get. This child. Off me. My wolf complained. Her high pitch whine was giving me a headache so I scooted in front of Lilith.

"Calypso, dammit. Shift!" Drake said again. I growled. Did he really think I was going to let him boss me around in my own house? Not happening. Lilith took Robin off my back. I ran behind the shed and changed into my human form, pulling some grass out from between my teeth. The only clothes I had were the ones in the backpack. Quick leggings, crop top, and boots then I came out, glaring daggers at my brother-in-law.

"Tell me what to do again and I'll let Elentiya tear you to pieces," I snapped. He rolled his eyes, waving all of us inside.

"So, how's living with Vincent?" Lilith asked with Robin on her lap. I didn't answer; I was too busy reaching for my godchild. When he came to sit with me I relaxed.

"It's great honestly. I just missed this little guy," I said. Robin heard my statement and hugged me. The three of us caught up on what had been happening. Lilith got mad that Angel had let me out of her sight. I patted her head and told her to chill.

"She should have brought you with her. To think what could've happened..." Drake shuddered.

"It's fine, dude. For real. It's not the worst I've faced." I regretted the sentence as soon as it left my mouth.

"What?!" Both Drake and Lilith gasped. I grimaced, looking down to play with Robin.

"Cal..." Lilith began. She was interrupted by a knock at the door. I got up to answer it, passing my godchild to his father. When I opened the door, I was surprised by a bloodied forsaken on my steps.

"Run," Angel told me. Her hair, clothes, and body were all covered in thick, sticky blood. I yanked her into the house.

"What the Hell happened to you?" I commanded.

She looked at me warily, her eyes questioning whether or not to tell me. Under the scrutiny of my demanding glare, Angel finally sighed.

"Your father is looking for you. He's out for blood. I told him I had no idea where you were but when you and Vincent didn't show up for several days... I got suspicious. He made me track you down," she spat out quickly. Her body began convulsing violently. I brought her to my chest to make sure she didn't hurt herself.

"Go up into my room and get cleaned up," I told Angel as her shaking came to a halt. She nodded and complied without hesitation.

"Lilith, bunker, now!" I called out. 

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