His eyes move to my lit up phone on the table and my smile fades as worry rushes through my body. The text could be from Will and god knows what he's said.

"You don't care about me." he scoffs and my worry grows. "What do you mean I don't care about you. You know I care about you Spencer." I say hoping he hadn't actually seen a text from Will. Maybe it was from Emily, or Garcia?Maybe they're just asking if Spencer is home and-

"That's why you've been texting Will then eh?" he raises his voice slightly and I can feel the tears pricking my eyes. "It's not like that and you know it's not!" He smirks. "So you think I'm fucking stupid?" He grabs my phone and throws it across the room. "I know you still love him JJ!" he sighs and lowers his voice to a frightening tone. "Why won't you just fucking admit it?" His drunken eyes meet mine and his messy hear is slicked back with sweat. "I don't." my words are followed by a loud bang and when my eyes open again Spencer's hand has connected with the plasterboard leaving a huge dent.

"I bet that day he was trying to fuck you up his car you were asking for it." He spits. My heart wretches. "Why would you say that?" I ask through tears and his mouth curls into a smile. The sort of smile you'd expect the evil person of a horror movie to have as he kills someone, but this smile is on Spencer's face. My Spencer's face.

"Because I don't care about you. I just needed a fresh fuck." His face is cleared of emotion, no change in facial expression or remorse in his eyes. He meant it.

"Get out." my voice is filled with much more confidence than I expected and his face still doesn't change. "GET OUT!" I say much louder and my voice cracks as another smile makes its way onto his face. "I'd absolutely love to." he says and waltzes out of the apartment holding his head high as though he's proud of breaking my heart.

I reach for my phone, desperate to see the text that caused the uproar.

• Just when I was about to give up on us, you replied. I love you JJ. •

My already fast flowing tears fall faster. He was going to give up and I just provoked him further, I've just ruined my own life.

I don't text him back again. Instead I crawl into bed with a sore face and soaked sleeves from wiping my tears.


The next few days go slowly, Spencer doesn't turn up to work and I'm thankful. I don't think I could bring myself to meet his dark eyes and act like everything is ok. He crushed me the moment he said he doesn't care about me. All of those feelings, all of those nights we spent together just gone with a few words.

Blake makes eye contact with me a few times. Probably asking herself whether she should question me about Spencer or not, I'm glad that she doesn't.

It reaches lunch time and Blake suggests we go to the bar and grill down the road. Apparently the burgers there are great.

"We could probably sneak in a small drink. Take your mind of the idiot that hasn't bothered to show his face." my eyes move instantly to her face. "What?" I ask and she looks at me with a smile. "Well, you couldn't make it anymore obvious."
"What?" I repeat and she laughs as we step in the elevator. "You've been staring at his desk almost all day-"

"Wait!" an unfamiliar voice flows through the doors along with an arm. Blake nudges me and straightens her back as the doors open again. A tall man with dark skin and lovely green eyes steps inside. His suit is a navy blue colour and his curly dark hair is slicked back with a mound of gel.

"Going down?" he asks before turning around and Blake nods slowly. I find myself laughing and the man looks at me confused. "erm, sorry." I say quickly and he nods as he steps side ways so that I can press the button for the ground floor.

The awkwardness is horrible and I look at Blake to find her staring at the good looking man. She meets my eyes and blushes before sneakily sticking her middle finger up.

"I'm Jake." he finally introduces himself and Blake is the first to shake his hand. "Alex and this is Jennifer." she nods in my direction and the man smiles sweetly before taking my hand in his. "It's nice to meet you both." He smiles again and his soft hand squeezes mine slightly before he lets go. It takes my head a few minutes to figure out he's English and a few more to decide I fancy him. Who wouldn't?

The lift stops and we all make our way out before the doors close. Jake makes his way to the main desk and Blake and I continue walking. "Can you make it any more obvious?" I joke and she shoves me in my shoulder. "Fuck off. He's cute." I laugh at her before agreeing. He is really good looking and if I would have met him before meeting Spencer I wouldn't have been so quiet. Spencer isn't your boyfriend, he doesn't care about you. A small voice speaks in the back of my mind.

"Hey, ladies." We both turn to find the tall man rushing towards us. "Look, I was supposed to have a meeting but it just got cancelled..." He holds a hand in the air as he catches his breath. "Maybe we could grab lunch together?" he finishes and my eyes move to the older woman beside me. "I'm sorry, that was a little rushed? I uh- I've just started working here and it would be nice to get to know a few co-workers." He pushes his hair over his head and my mind drifts to Spencer. This man stands at least an inch taller than he does and his body is more defined. His shirt is tight around his muscles and his trousers are definitely tight in other areas.

Blake is still stood in silence. "Sure, we're heading to a bar and grill down the road. Alex said they do great burgers." I say, accepting his offer. His smile is warm and Blake finally comes out of her stare as he makes eye contact with her. "Yeah?"
"They're extremely nice." she answers straight away and I laugh at her again.


When we reach the restaurant Jake opens the door for Blake and I, following close behind us when we enter. We take a seat in one of the booths in the middle of the building, me and Blake on one side and Jake on the other.

"I'll buy the food as a thank you for you girls letting me tag along." he gestures for the waiter to take our order and he follows up on Blake's reccomendation, asking for three burgers.

"How long have you guys been working at Anderson's place?" Jake asks, his eyes darting between Blake and I, waiting for an answer. "Oh, I've been here a few years. Jennifer's a newbie like you though." Alex answers, changing back to her usual self. He laughs and looks at me. "How long?" I find myself getting a little flustered when I realise he's now talking to me.

His skin looks darker in this light, his eyes definitely shine brighter though. "Uh- about a month." I say when I realise I've been staring at him for too long. "Oh that's nice." he smiles and leans back in his chair slightly.

"Mr Anderson is a great guy. He knows my father very well..." he explains that Mr Anderson knew him when he was growing up and that's how he got the job. "Ive just moved here from England and I needed a way to get money. He found out I was coming here and offered me the job." The food makes it's way to our table and Blake smiles and nods with every word that falls from his pink lips.

We eat and have a few drinks, us finding out a lot about Jake and him finding out a lot about Blake... I don't talk much, Spencer is still playing on my mind. Your relationship with Spencer is going nowhere. My subconscious reminds me again and I try to push it away. I might be mad with Spencer, but I don't want to think about the possibility that we're completely over. Fresh fuck. I remind myself and with that last thought in mind I open up, relaxing in the green eyed mans company.


We return to the offices a little jollier than before and step in the elevator together. "Ok, listen to me." Jake leans into Blake and I, wrapping his arms around our shoulders. "If anyone asks, you haven't had anything to drink." He smiles and let's go of us. "Just act normal and everything will be ok." he assures us and I begin to laugh. "look at the new boy telling us the do's and do not's." He smirks and the elevator doors open. "What can I say? The boss loves me. See you around ladies." he walks out of the elevator backwards and turns the corner. "Oops, sorry mate." his thick accent is followed by a harsh one. "Watch where you're fucking going."

Blake and I step out of the elevator, coming face to face with Spencer.

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