Chapter 1: Welcome to the Elite academy for Arts

Start from the beginning

"Hi!!!" a shrill voice called. I turned around. "I'm Sarah! guess we are roommates, isn't that just sooo cool" I smiled.

"Hi" my voice was shyer "I'm Agnes"

"Let's go, we have work to do, where is your baggage?" I moved so she could see my two small bags "That's all? How girl?" She turned to let me see her four huge suitcases. We laughed together "Would you help me with this?"

"Yes of course" We took two each and went to the bedrooms. "Which one do you want?" She seemed to analyze each of them

"The left one" I nodded and left her stuff besides the bed. "Thank you!"

I did the same with my things, once I got my clothes in the closet I finally rested my head in the bed. My eyes closed and in a second I slept like a baby.

The air is thick. My lungs are asking for oxygen to breathe but there isn't any. I see my mom's face smiling and my dads wanting to reach for me. They vanish and I scream and fight to get to them. A hand appears and I try to take it but it also disappears. I'm now crying and I feel like I'm never getting out...

"Agnes! please! Agnes wake up!"

I open my eyes confused, Sarah is standing in front of me worried as hell. She's holding my wrists and I watch how my hands are painted with blood. I suddenly realized what had happened and make her let go of the grip. I look at my palms, my nails marked in them. I frown with disappointment. The last time I had done that was a year ago...

"What the hell happened, you scared the fuck out of me girl" I don't answer and she frowns like me "Okay, you don't have to tell me, just...Let's go, it's been three hours and the tour already happened"


"I tried to wake you up but you didn't even move" I nodded "Clarice was a little bit mad but I told her you were exhausted"

"I'm sorry I put you in that position, I swear I don't even have a hard time sleeping" I laughed a little. "Let's go get a coffee, I really need one" She smiled and we got up, I had slept with my clothing on so I didn't have to change. I washed my hands in the bathroom and the blood easily disappeared.

There was a coffee shop on the campus near our building. The sun was starting to set so we had to hurry, apparently there was going to be a welcoming dinner that neither of us knew about. The whole school was attending and it was an elegant thing. Once we got there we went to the line and ordered our drinks. Between laughs and small chat we waited. Sarah was really beautiful, she had brunette hair with olive skin, her eyes were emerald green and she had a hourglass figure. Her hair went down to her waist in small waves. Everyone would die for her.

"So...what are you studying?" she asked me.

"Ballet" She was now surprised. It was weird for people to study Ballet here because of how strict the academy was, not many people could even graduate. "You?" I said to take the focus off me.

"Em...Theater" I smiled, of course she was studying theater.

"I must've known"

We laughed and the conversation didn't go further because the drinks were given to us before Sarah could even ask anything. We sat down to enjoy them when someone opened the entrance door. Sarah was facing back to it but I wasn't and I watched how a boy with an angel like face entered. I had never seen anyone so handsome in my whole life. Suddenly he looks at me and for a minute our eyes lock. I turned around fast, blushing to myself. The angel, okay not the angel, but the boy was now ordering a drink.

"What's so interesting behind me?" Sarah said laughing

"Shh" I gestured at him with my eyes and she turned around just in time to see his face. Her mouth literally dropped. "I know" I answered for her.

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