𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥 + 𝔸𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤

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The news you probably want is at the bottom. It's your choice to read the whole thing, it was important to me that I said this.

Alright, hey guys. I just wanted to talk about this book and the mature themes it handles. Obviously this isn't like a super popular book, but it has gained a lot of acknowledgement which I'm one hundred percent thankful for. But instead of doing a Q&A I wanted to talk about this.

Recently, I've gotten a lot of hate and if not hate,  backhanded comments or private messages. I'm fine I can take criticism, but usually the criticism is not about my writing but about events that happen so that's what I wanted to address.

The one piece of criticism that I did get that I apologized and addressed was having a larger content warning in the beginning of the book which I did. So do any veterans that I offended, I'm sorry.


➮ I hope up can hear me screaming. Oh my fucking god! It's so gross that I have to say but there's nothing romantic about abuse. I will not and will never romanticize abuse. Love will not and will never fix someone. This is the same reason why I can't read many books on this app or a lot of young adult books. It's so gross. Sexual assault, sexual harassment, and physical assault is not romantic nor insinuates romance or anything like that. And for people who have gone through it, it is so fucked to read. That concept is so damaging and literally fetishes a monstrous act as a plot device for romance. I- I don't want to get into that because that makes me so angry, but you understand, right? If not I can explain why.

Moving on what I actually have to say...

˚ ... The Reader's Reaction

➮ Besides the hate comments (I've deleted them), I find the comments interesting because everyone agrees that there was no consent. I didn't have problem with that but some people don't realize when the reader denied it after it happened, it's a very natural reaction to trauma, denial is simply a way to cope, but, ultimately, she realizes it wasn't right. Something to keep in mind that Ryan groomed her.

Grooming: when someone builds an emotional connection with someone to earn trust with the purposes of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or even trafficking.

➮ Which also attributed to the fact of why he let her in her room and why she denied it happened, remember she was infatuated with him and they did consensually kiss before when Ryan did ask for her permission. And he uses that to keep her quiet. He knew that the dynamic between them could keep her quiet like abusers do. I try to keep experiences and dynamics between the two realistic while trying to stay in the realm of the world to respect anyone who has been through such an experience. So I will not for apologize for the Reader not reacting the way you wanted because honestly when it happens it's so terrifying that it may be hard for some people to. Google is free search up: Fight or Flight Response.

➮ Everyone reacts differently. Not me over sharing on the Internet, but after our happened didn't feel anything. Then when he texted me and "apologized" —such a fake apology— I said it was okay and we were still "friends". Why? I still don't know. The point being, people react to trauma in different ways. And the reason so many victims don't come out is because of the victim blaming mindset society has.

➮ And for those who blamed the Reader, those comments have been deleted, that is so fucked and if you're reading this do you realize why it is. While you're searching up fight or flight response, search up victim-blaming.

Mute (Levi Ackerman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now