𝟙𝟙 • 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℕ𝕖𝕨

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Your POV

I couldn't sleep in my old room. It was a reminder of the past. I couldn't really sleep my only thought was of Ryan. I got up and went back downstairs. I heard footsteps coming down. I must have woken up Captain.

"I guessing you couldn't sleep." He stated. I shook my head. "I didn't think you would be able to... You're probably wondering why I'm awake." I nodded. He spoke again, "If I'm being honest, it's because of you. I went to check on you when you were upstairs with the asshole that shall not be named. I didn't see anything, but I was here and I didn't help you. I just didn't know. That's been bothering me for the past few hours."

"It's not your fault." I wrote down.

"I know, but he forced himself on you."

"If I'm being honest I've grown numb to the feeling of being used and beaten. It wasn't anything I wasn't already used to." I admitted.

"I really don't want you marrying him. I couldn't live with myself knowing what hell he'll put you through every day." Captain admitted.

"If worst comes to worst and I do end up being married. I'll probably be forced to quit the military, but at least I will open an orphanage for children available in all three walls as well as those Underground. I don't want anyone to go through what you've been through or what I've been through. I won't stop doing good for this world, I don't care what it takes. Even if my own world starts crumbling, even if lose sense of my humanity... Hopefully, everything works out and in the case of if my plan fails, Captain I want to promise to keep what you witnessed today a secret. I don't want the others thinking less of me."

Captain didn't say anything after that.
"Please, promise me." I wrote.
"Tch, fine. I promise."

"Thank you for caring about me, Captain." I smiled at his kindness.

His eyes averted away from me. I was confused as to why he avoided eye contact with me. I couldn't call his name to get his attention. I grabbed onto his hand. He looked back at me. I mouthed, "Thank you."

His eyes locked with mine. I felt my face heat up at the closeness of his face to mine. We leaned in together like two magnetic poles attracting one another. I felt my heart skip a beat... maybe three. I won't hate it if I kissed the Captain. I was really sure about how I viewed the Captain at this point.

The only obstacle between us was space. I could feel the heat on his face on mine. Our lips slightly grazed each other's before he cleared his throat. We both backed off. We kept five feet away from one another, faced the wall in front of us and crossed our arms.

"I think we should try to get some sleep." Captain said.

I nodded. I left the room first to avoid any interaction with the Captain after that. I probably made things really weird. I decided to write a note: I should apologize. I know the first week in the Scouts has been all over the place, but once we get back I'll keep everything between us professional.

I knocked on the guest room. Levi answered the door with his shirt unbuttoned. Avoid all body contact! My eyes averted to his eyes instead, I couldn't look there either. I looked at the wall behind his head and handed him the letter.

I took it and read through it. "That's fine. Good night, (F/n)."


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