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"Let's keep mommy and our brother or sister safe." I told them. Killain got a pillow and placed it under her head. He took the cover and put it over her.

"They coming." Kuchel whispered.

||| Kahira's POV |||

We reacted quickly. I kissed Mommy on the forehead while I held injured hand she got when she came to save us. "You always keep us safe. It's our turn." I told her. I stood up.

"Kahira!" Killian called out for assistance. Everything was put into place for the bad people coming to hurt us. Kuchel was too little to do anything so she stayed by Mommy. I climbed onto the desk and then Killian held his hands out to give me a leg up onto the armoire. I held my hand out to pull him up as well. Killian looked at me. "Ready?" He questioned. I nodded.

Killian was the smarter one of the two of us. It didn't mean I was dumb, because I wasn't. Killian's head worked like Mommy's while mine worked like Daddy's.

I watched him focus. I heard the footsteps coming. They kept creeping nearer and nearer until they stopped in front of the door.

They kicked the door down and rushed in. I was ready to jump into action but Killian told me to wait. They had their large guns out ready to shoot.

"Sir, she's here and so one of her kids." One soldier said. Kuchel pretended to fake cry by Mommy.

"Mommy, she- she-" Kuchel sobbed. "I want my Mommy."

"Where are the other kids?" The leader asked. "Tch, kid where are the other brats?" He said to Kuchel. I held in my anger from him calling my sister a brat only our dad could do that. The leader spoke, he commanded everyone else to check the entire inn to find us.

"She's not going to answer if you talk to her like that." The soldier from before said. He knelt down to her level. "Hey, sweetie, can you tell us where you're brother and sister are?" He asked in a calm tone.

Kuchel nodded. She pointed in our direction. For the split second their guard would be down to turn, Killian and I jumped off the armoire with sack in our hand and covered their heads. He took one and I took the other. We tighten it until they stopped fighting. We pulled out the roped and tied their hands and their feet. Killain did one person on his own because he knew how to tie fancy knots. Kuchel helped me make sure my knot was super tight on the other guy.

"Kuchel, how many people did you count?" Killain asked her.

Kuchel held her hands out. She needed her fingers to help her count. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 5." She answered.

"That means there are three left." I said. I turned to Killian. "Do you have a plan?" I asked.

"Yes, but I have to do it by myself."

"No." I said.


"Mommy said that we protect each other, we keep each other safe." I argued you. "You are not doing it alone. What if they hurt you?"

Killian smiled. He put his hands on my shoulders. "They won't. Trust me. You stay here with Mommy and Kuchel. And when those two guys wake up, you keep Mommy and Kuchel safe... You can do it."

Killian and I fought all the time. We were siblings, but even then I've never been apart from him. Mommy and Daddy always tried to keep us together. I never knew why. Not until I saw ultra super mega grandma with her brother from a long, long time ago, then it made sense.

Killian put the rope over his shoulders to carry with him and he took the bed sheets and paper. He took Mommy's gear and cut off the hook. All his items were placed in a bag. He said goodbye to Kuchel then me and walked out the door.

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