Chapter 62

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Louis stood there staring at the house along with the rest of the boys.

"i think he's in there" he said.

"why here?" lucas asked and louis shrugged.

"i don't know but let's go. you never know". They emerged from the woods into the open. the bright sun shined down on their skin. it felt good. it's a good thing that vampires burning into the sun was only a myth.

Louis walked up to a window and looked inside, five boys were sitting on a couch talking. three boys on one couch and two on another. He kept watching them until one of them spotted him. Louis ducked down fast and started moving to the others.

"what's wrong?" zayn asked.

"fuck. i think one of them saw me" louis told them.

"which one?" zayn asked again.

"me" answered a voice.

They all looked over and saw the five of them standing there. the one who saw louis was standing in the middle.

"louis louis louis. why do you look so scared. what's wrong?" the boy said with a smirk.

"i'm not scared" louis said. "who are you and how the fuck do you know my name" he asked.

"that doesn't matter" riley shrugged. Louis moved a little closer to where he was standing.

"you're the one who took harry" louis said but it came out as a question.

"maybe" riley shrugged again.

"what the fuck! what do you want from him" louis raised his voice.

"i want him back" riley said calmly like he wasn't saying the stupidest thing in the world.

"what do you mean by want him back?" Louis asked confused.

"are you that stupid louis? he was mine before you came and take him" riley growled.

"you're his ex then. he is mine now. just accept that" louis told him while smirking.

"no!" Riley shouted.

"well too bad,but i really don't care. i think it's time for you to give him back then." Louis said. the smirk reappeared again on riley's face.

"if you want him back, you have to fight me" Riley said while still smirking.

"okay then". Riley looked surprised by louis' answer. Louis stepped forward with liam and lucas behind him.

"niall! zayn! come here boys, we're going to have fun" . they both walked over.

"go find harry" louis whispered to them both. they nodded and ran off.

"ready?" Louis asked while taking the fight position.

"not without me" said another voice. what the fuck? there are more of them?

Louis turned around toward the voice to find nick and his gang with a man that louis had never seen in his whole life.

fucking shit.


i'll make this quick but it is really IMPORTANT to read this. like you can see now that riley and his friends are werewolves, tbh i have NEVER thought about making them werewolves while writing and i didn't have intention to. but it just came out. so right now i'm exactly like you. i don't know how this story will go on and what it will turn to be. i'm just writing and moving on with the characters. so i'm really sorry if that makes me take a lot of time to update.and happy new year everyone xx.

Taken - [Larry stylinson]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora