chapter 18

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This chapter is dedicated to IloveLouisallmine for being my most active reader. thank you :)


when harry got home, he went up to his room. He was really excited about his date even though he didn't know where Louis was taking him.

But harry really didn't care as long as he was with Louis. Harry still had a couple of hours until his date. He looked around wondering what he could do to spend his time. He really didn't have much of options. After all no one was home except for niall.

Harry grabbed his phone and went on twitter, then after that he checked his Facebook. He didn't have a lot of friends on there, the only reason he had Facebook at all is to play games. when he logged in he was surprised to see that he had messages.

He opened his messages and what he saw freaked him out. nick, Jared and Stan sent him the same message.

Dear harry

you better look out because we are coming for you.


jared, nick and stan

Harry froze after reading the message. he didn't know what to do or how to act. He didn't even know if he should tell someone or not. Harry decided that this was actually serious and he should tell someone. And the only one who was there at this moment was Niall.

So harry sat up on the bed and ran out the door of his room. "niall! niall!" He said running down the stairs.

"what? what?" Niall asked from the couch.

"read this" harry handed him the phone. Niall scanned it with his eyes and when he was done his eyes flashed with anger.

"niall what should i do? i'm scared" harry asked quietly. all the anger washed away from niall's face and he sighed.

"i don't know but don't be scared. everything is going to be okay. i promise" harry nodded. Niall handed harry back his phone then went back to watching TV. Harry slowly walked back upstairs.

after that he listened to music until louis got home.


hey guys, what do you think of You and I video ? i think it was very good. keep watching it we want to break the record :D

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