chapter 26

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Louis called for a meeting, so at 10 everyone was sitting on the balcony ready to hear what Louis got to say.

"okay guys, i got a call from harry today" louis informed the boys.

everyone looked up at louis with wide eyes. "what he say?", "is he okay?", "where is he?" they all poured him with questions all at once.

"i don't know where he is. we didn't talk long, but he's in trouble. i could hear him and nick in the background arguing. we need to find him, fast"

Louis let a sad sigh and his back hunched slightly at the thought of harry being in trouble and that he couldn't even help him.

"it's okay, we will find him louis" niall said while rubbing louis' back.

then all of a sudden louis, face lit up. "what?" niall asked

"maybe we can trace the call" louis said hopefully, they all looked up at him and smiled.


"please stop! i will never ever do it again! ever!" harry screamed while nick hit him with whip. He cried out as it hit his back again.

"there. that should teach you a lesson" nick said setting the whip down and walking out.

Harry freaked out because was nick going to leave him there? bleeding to death. Harry looked down and saw a puddle of blood. His blood.

Harry was down in the basement hanging in the middle of the room, suffering. what was he going to do? if he didn't get out from here, sure as hell he was going to die.

Harry didn't want to die, he wanted to grow old with louis.not die young hanging here bleeding to death.

Harry heard the door open and slander ran in. "oh my god. harry are you okay?" Slander asked worriedly. he untied harry then carried him to the bathroom.

he gently sat harry down on the counter, opened a cabinet and took some bandages out. "how you feeling?" Slander asked Harry.

"dizzy" harry said. "my eyes are heavy and it's hard to remain awake" he added.

"i wonder why. you're losing lot of blood" slander said checking Harry.

Harry thought that maybe not all of them are bad, but still, harry didn't trust them.

"i feel like i'm going to pass out" harry said not being able to hold on anymore.

"it's okay, hang in there" slander said starting to work on harry's cuts, which he can easily say were deep.

"i don't know how much longer i can stay up" harry said leaning on the wall so he would't fall over.

Harry kept his back away from the wall even though the slashes on his shoulders burnt like hell. He started seeing black dots in front of his eyes, then all of a sudden all he could see was black.

Slander was in the middle of working on harry's cuts when he passed out. Even though he was helping harry just to have him on his side not nick's he could admit that nick was too harsh on harry and really messed him up.

but in a way it was in slander's benefit. if he want to show harry that he was nicer than the rest, then doing this was really going to help slander in his plan. At the end maybe harry would fall for it and think that slander was good for him and Harry'd want to stay here and being with slander.

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