Chapter 56

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Liam laid there thinking. anne was in the bathroom. He saw a knife on the ground and he got an idea. Liam on his knees and went over to it, he sat down so it was behind him. He picked it up and cut the rope.

Liam brought his wrist up and looked at them, they had rope scratches on them. He carefully rubbed them. damn they hurt.

Liam found a window and stood up, he walked over and quietly opened it, looked back into the room one last time then stepped on the ledge. He shut the window and climbed down.

when liam's feet hit the ground, he took off running into the wood. He darted through the woods until he crashed into someone flinging them both onto the ground.

Liam looked up frighten to see who it was. when he did, his eyes widened. there laid zayn on the ground.

"zayn!" Liam screamed standing up and jumping into zayn's arms.

"liam" zayn yelled struggling to keep his balance and then kissed liam multiple times.

"i've missed you so much. Oh my god" zayn said happily.

"i missed you too" liam said back resting his forehead on Zayn's.

"what's going on?" louis asked walking toward the two boys. "liam?" he asked shocked.

"hi" liam said giving him a small wave and a smile and louis smiled back.

"good to see you again man" louis said while hugging Liam.

"yeah" liam hugged him back.

"now i hate to ruin this moment but we have to find harry" louis said pulling out of the hug.

"what do you mean? isn't he with you?" Liam asked confused.

"no he's not. harry is missing" louis said.

"then what the hell are we doing standing here? we need to find him. and soon!" louis and zayn both nodded and they all started looking everywhere, hoping to find harry or at least to find a clue to lead them to him.

Taken - [Larry stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now