Chapter 40

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when they pulled up to their house Lucas couldn't help but stare and get awed by how huge the house was.

The rest of the boys got out of the car and started getting into the house so lucas followed them into the house, and he got more shocked after seeing that it was even bigger and better from the inside.

"niall will show you to his room. or your room now" zayn said to lucas.

"okay" lucas replied.

He followed niall up the stairs and through the halls. He kept looking around him in awe and he was sure he was going to get lost in here. The two boys walked up to the door and niall opened its door.

the room was huge just like the rest of the house. Niall walked over and sat on the only bed, lucas followed him and sat next to him. Niall looked down blushing from how close lucas was sitting next to him.

"so.." Lucas said trying to break the silence and shrugged.

"are you gay?" Niall blurted out. he then quickly put his hands over his mouth once he realize what he said and his eyes widened.

Lucas got really weirded by the boys' obsession with sexuality, first louis and now niall. Lucas smiled anyway because niall was so flustered from embarrassment and he kind of looked so cute like that.

"actually yes i am" lucas said and niall looked up and smiled at him.

"so am i" Niall said even thought lucas didn't ask him.


so luke and niall. eh? what ship name do you suggest. and i'm really sorry for this short chapter but i've been updating a lot lately so i can't make the chapters any longer.

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