Chapter 47

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This chapter is dedicated to @Tehya_Tomlinson for always leaving comments and being amazing.xx

"are you saying nick and his gang may be vampires?" Harry asked and Louis nodded.

"how do we really find out then?"

"Lucas may know" Louis said shrugging his shoulder.

"right" harry said throwing the covers off of himself and stood up. He grabbed Louis' hand and pulled louis with him out of the room. when they got to Lucas and Niall's room harry knocked the door.

"what?" They heard Lucas groan.

"open up. Louis and i need to talk to you"

"can't it wait until later?"

"no. now open up" harry said starting to get annoyed by his brother.

"fine" again Lucas said while groaning.

Harry heard footsteps coming over and the door swung open. a tired messy looking Lucas stood there.

"what?" Lucas asked annoyed.

"do you know if nick and his gang are vampires?" Harry asked him.

"yeah, i guess they are. why?" Lucas said it like it wasn't a fucking huge deal. Harry's eyes widened at that.

"Harry saw Nick outside our bedroom window last night" Louis said running his hand in his hair. a thing he always did when he was panicking or nervous. now it was Lucas' turn to widen his eyes.

"shit, shit, shit. this is not good. do you know what will happen if they find Harry! only bad things!" Lucas said throwing his arms in the air.

"Don't you fucking think i know that you idiot !" Harry said raising his voice.

"Boys, boys, for fuck sake calm down!" Louis shouted. Lucas and harry shut up and they both looked at Louis.

"Nothing will happen to you harry. i won't let them get to you. No. In fact, we aeon't let them get to you" Louis said while pointing at himself and Lucas. "if it is a fight they want, then a fight is what they will get." Louis said with so much confidence and anger that it actually scared Harry.

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